臨牀消化器内科 Vol.29 No.10(2-1)

特集名 CT colonographyの現状と将来
題名 各論 (1) スクリーニング法としてのCT colonographyの意義
発刊年月 2014年 09月
著者 満崎 克彦 済生会熊本病院予防医療センター
著者 松田 勝彦 済生会熊本病院予防医療センター
著者 菅 守隆 済生会熊本病院予防医療センター
【 要旨 】 本邦における大腸癌による死亡者数は増加傾向にあり,その歯止めを果たす大きな役割が大腸がん検診である.しかしながら,大腸がん検診受診率および精検受診率は低迷したままで,現状の大腸がん検診システムが早期発見・早期治療に効率よく結びついているとは言い難い.そこで,隆起型病変の検出能が内視鏡検査とほぼ同等で,受容性が高く低侵襲で安全なCT colonographyを,大腸がん検診システムに組み込むことで,低迷する精検受診率が向上し,さらに効率よく早期発見・早期治療へ繫がることが期待されている.
Theme Now and Feature of CT Colonography
Title Significance of CT Colonography for Screening
Author Katsuhiko Mitsuzaki Center for Preventive Medicine, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
Author Katsuhiko Matsuda Center for Preventive Medicine, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
Author Moritaka Suga Center for Preventive Medicine, Saiseikai Kumamoto Hospital
[ Summary ] There has been a trend toward an increasing number of deaths from colorectal cancer in Japan. Colorectal cancer screening can play a major role in stopping this trend. However, the percentage of individuals undergoing colorectal cancer screening and the percentage of individuals undergoing subsequent diagnostic examinations remain low. Thus, it is difficult to say that the current system of colorectal cancer screening leads to early detection and early treatment. CT colonography is a safe, minimally invasive procedure with high patient acceptance and provides similar detectability of elevated lesions as endoscopy. The low percentage of individuals undergoing subsequent diagnostic examinations can be increased by the incorporation of CT colonography into the colorectal cancer screening system. The use of CT colonography is expected to efficiently lead to early detection and early treatment.