臨牀消化器内科 Vol.29 No.10(1-1)

特集名 CT colonographyの現状と将来
題名 総論 (1) CT colonographyの原理と臨床応用
発刊年月 2014年 09月
著者 富松 英人 岐阜大学医学部附属病院放射線部
著者 五島 聡 岐阜大学医学部附属病院放射線科
著者 近藤 浩史 岐阜大学医学部附属病院放射線科
著者 兼松 雅之 岐阜大学医学部附属病院放射線部/岐阜大学医学部附属病院放射線科
【 要旨 】 CT colonography(大腸CT,CTC)は前処置を行った大腸を炭酸ガスなどで拡張させ,CTで撮像することで行われる大腸検査である.CTCではガスと体組織の大きなCT値差を用いて大腸内腔の形態を描出するが,残渣や残液は体組織に近いCT値を示すため,前処置と拡張がCTCの検査の質を決定する重要な要素となっている.CTCでは2体位による撮像が必要であるため,X線被曝が不利益の一つとして重要な課題となっている.近年の被曝低減技術の進歩は目覚ましく,低線量CTCが現実のものとなりつつあるが,検査の目的によって必要線量は異なるため,何を目的としてCTCを行うかを明確にしつつ,検査を行っていく必要がある.
Theme Now and Feature of CT Colonography
Title Principles of and Clinical Applications for CT Colonography
Author Hideto Tomimatsu Department of Radiology Survice, Gifu University Hospital
Author Satoshi Goshima Department of Radiology, Gifu University Hospital
Author Hiroshi Kondo Department of Radiology, Gifu University Hospital
Author Masayuki Kanematsu Department of Radiology Survice, Gifu University Hospital / Department of Radiology, Gifu University Hospital
[ Summary ] Computed tomographic colonography (CTC) which is a less invasive type of colorectal examination is expected to be standardized. The procedures for CTC are composed of a number of steps. These include bowel preparation, colonic distension, CT scanning, three dimensional reconstruction, and image interpretation. CTC images are generated through the use of differences in CT values between body tissues and gas. Bowel preparation and colonic distension are required to assure the quality of image interpretation, because residues in the colon have CT values approximate to those of body tissues. As CTC is conducted twice in the prone and supine positions, radiation safety is a high priority issue. Radiation doses should be those which are minimal to ensure lesion detection. Recently, low-dose CTC techniques with auto exposure control (AEC) and iterative reconstruction (IR) including model-based IR (MBIR) have been rapidly improving. To develop low-dose CTC methodologies, the balance of image quality and radiation exposure should be carefully considered with a focus on the end point of CTC, MBIR. We may also have a great ability to reduce noise in low-dose CTC images in the next decade.