臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.9(1)

特集名 肝移植 ― 現状と展望
題名 わが国における移植全般の現状
発刊年月 2013年 08月
著者 市丸 直嗣 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科先端移植基盤医療学
著者 高原 史郎 大阪大学大学院医学系研究科先端移植基盤医療学
【 要旨 】 臓器移植法の改正により,本人の書面による同意がなくても家族の同意があれば脳死下臓器提供が認められている.しかし本邦の臓器移植件数は欧米諸国と比較してまだまだ少ない.脳死下臓器提供が限られているため,本邦の肝臓移植医はやむなく生体ドナーからの肝移植を行っている.このため皮肉なことに生体部分肝移植やABO不適合生体移植などの高度な移植医療は,世界に先駆けて本邦で進歩した.
Theme Liver Transplantation -- Current Status and Perspective
Title Current Status of Organ Transplantation in Japan
Author Naotsugu Ichimaru Department of Advanced Technology for Transplantation, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
Author Shiro Takahara Department of Advanced Technology for Transplantation, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The revised organ transplant law allows transplants to be performed in the absence of prior written consent from donors if approval of the family is obtained. However, the number of organ transplants in Japan is still smaller than those carried out in Western countries. Liver transplant surgeons and other physicians must perform living liver transplants due to the small number of organs harvested from brain-dead donors. Ironically, split liver living transplant procedures and ABO incompatible living donor transplant procedures have progressed more in Japan than in other countries.
Current topics concerning organ transplantation in Japan such as the Japan Society for Transplantation ethical guidelines, utilization of transplant coordinators and the certification system for transplant physicians are explained.