臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.8(7-2)

特集名 胃癌リスク診断を巡って -- 現状と問題点
題名 胃癌リスク診断の検診への応用と課題 (2) H. pylori既感染群の診断を巡って
発刊年月 2013年 07月
著者 安田 貢 KKR高松病院健康医学センター
著者 前田 剛 KKR高松病院健康医学センター
著者 尾立 磨琴 KKR高松病院健康医学センター
著者 山ノ井 昭 香川県立がん検診センター
【 要旨 】 ABC分類におけるA群に混在するHelicobacter pyloriH. pylori)既感染群の診断方法を述べる.血清を用いる方法では,H. pylori抗体3U/ml以上またはペプシノゲン(PG)Ⅰ<32ng/mlを既感染とすると,もっとも診断精度が良好であった.胃内視鏡所見では,萎縮性変化が認められるにもかかわらず,粘膜のびまん性発赤,浮腫,皺襞の腫脹,滲出液の付着を認めないことなどが重要と考えられた.胃X線検査では,皺襞が細いにもかかわらず形態や走行の乱れがある場合,または胃小区の描出が弱く粘膜の凹凸変化が乏しい場合などで,H. pylori既感染群を疑うことができると思われた.今後,H. pylori既感染群の適切な取り扱いを考慮した,標準的な胃がん検診システムが一刻も早く構築されることが望まれる.
Theme Determination of Gastric Cancer Risk -- Current Conditions and Issues
Title Identification of Patients with Previous Helicobacter pylori Infection
Author Mitsugi Yasuda Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Association Takamatsu Hospital
Author Tsuyoshi Maeta Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Association Takamatsu Hospital
Author Makoto Oryu Federation of National Public Service Personnel Mutual Aid Association Takamatsu Hospital
Author Akira Yamanoi Kagawa Prefectural Cancer Detection Center
[ Summary ] Methods to identify members of our group A who were previously infected with Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) are discussed. Serum analysis was the most accurate method to identify individuals who were previously infected, based on H. pylori-specific IgG antibody titers of 3 U/ml or higher or PGⅠ< 32 ng/ml. Despite signs of atrophic changes, gastroscopy revealed no diffuse redness in the gastric mucosa, edema, swollen gastric folds, or exudates. These indications were crucial to develop diagnoses. X-ray images of the stomach, featured thin gastric folds which appeared irregular and interrupted, as well as displaying slight unevenness of the gastric mucosa. Few signs of gastric areas suggesting that an individual had previously been infected with H. pylori were observed. A standardized system to screen for stomach cancer to properly care for individuals who were previously infected with H. pylori should be developed as soon as possible.