臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.8(7-1)

特集名 胃癌リスク診断を巡って -- 現状と問題点
題名 胃癌リスク診断の検診への応用と課題 (1) H. pylori感染診断の課題
発刊年月 2013年 07月
著者 中島 滋美 社会保険滋賀病院総合診療科・消化器科
著者 福本 圭志 福本内科
【 要旨 】 胃癌リスク診断におけるHelicobacter pyloriH. pylori)感染診断の課題を概説した.血清H. pylori抗体価は,Eプレート’栄研’H. ピロリ抗体の場合,現行のカットオフ値を用いると特異度は高いが感度はやや低い.抗体検査を対象者の振り分けに用いる場合にはカットオフ値を下げるべきである.また,血清抗体価が陽性,陰性高値,陰性低値のいずれにも過去の感染者が含まれ,たとえカットオフ値を下げたとしても抗体法単独ではリスク群(過去の感染者)を見逃す可能性がある.胃の画像検査は血清H. pylori抗体が偽陰性となった対象者を拾い上げることができるので,リスク診断で胃癌低リスクと診断された群でも一度は画像検査を実施するべきである.
Theme Determination of Gastric Cancer Risk -- Current Conditions and Issues
Title Problems with Serum Helicobacter pylori Tests for the Evaluation of Gastric Cancer Risk
Author Shigemi Nakajima Departments of General Medicine / Gastroenterology, Social Insurance Shiga Hospital
Author Keiji Fukumoto Fukumoto Naika Clinic
[ Summary ] Problems with serum Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) antibody tests for the evaluation of gastric cancer risk are discussed. The diagnostic ability of serum H. pylori antibody tests depends on cutoff values. Cutoff values should be lowered for first time screenings of subjects at risk of gastric cancer. However, even if the cutoff values are lowered, those who have a history of previous H. pylori infection cannot be absolutely determined because antibody titers gradually decline from positive into negative ranges after infections are cured. To determine subjects with present or past infection, which are both at risk of gastric cancer, from the subjects with negative-H. pylori antibody tests, image based diagnoses such as barium X-rays or endoscopic examinations should be conducted because present or past H. pylori infections can be discerned. Therefore, it is recommended those image based tests be conducted at least once before exclusion of subjects with negative-H. pylori antibody test from the subjects who need regular gastric cancer surveillance.