臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.8(6)

特集名 胃癌リスク診断を巡って -- 現状と問題点
題名 地域における胃癌リスク診断と胃癌予防 -- 夕張市,福島町,山形市での取り組み
発刊年月 2013年 07月
著者 間部 克裕 北海道大学病院光学医療診療部
著者 古田 精一 北海道薬科大学社会薬学系地域医療薬学
著者 小笠原 実 小笠原内科消化器科クリニック
著者 大泉 晴史 大泉胃腸科内科クリニック
著者 菊地 正悟 愛知医科大学公衆衛生学
著者 加藤 元嗣 北海道大学病院光学医療診療部
【 要旨 】 胃癌の原因がH. pylori感染であり,除菌により胃癌が予防できることが明らかになった.本邦では胃X線による胃がん検診が行われてきたが,今後は胃癌=H. pylori感染症として対策を行うことが求められる.胃癌標準化死亡比(SMR)の比較的高い,北海道夕張市,松前郡福島町,山形県山形市において血清H. pylori抗体とペプシノゲン(PG)検査を組み合わせた胃癌リスク診断を行った.約50%がH. pylori陰性,PG陰性のA群であり,胃癌リスク診断が検診対象集約に有効であることが示された.一方,H. pylori感染率は年代や地域よって異なり,予算や内視鏡検査のキャパシティー,胃がん検診の具体的運用など,課題も明らかになった.
Theme Determination of Gastric Cancer Risk -- Current Conditions and Issues
Title ABC Method and Gastric Cancer Screening in Rural Japanese Areas (Yubari City, Fukushima Town and Yamagata City)
Author Katsuhiro Mabe Division of Endoscopy, Hokkaido University Hospital
Author Seiichi Furuta Division of Pharmaceutical Community Health Care, Faculty of Social Pharmacy, Hokkaido Pharmaceutical University, School of Pharmacy
Author Minoru Ogasawara Internal Medicine, Ogasawara Medical Clinic
Author Haruhumi Oizumi Internal Medicine, Oizumi Medical Clinic
Author Shogo Kikuchi Department of Public Health, Aichi Medical University, School of Medicine
Author Mototsugu Kato Division of Endoscopy, Hokkaido University Hospital
[ Summary ] H. pylori (Hp) is a definite carcinogen related to gastric cancer. It is possible to prevent this disease by eradicating Hp. In Japan, gastric cancer screening has been conducted using barium X-ray examinations to detect cancer. However, since it is now well established that Hp infection causes gastric cancer, we should consider better screening methods to detect the carcinogen rather than the disease. To investigate applicability for mass screening, we used the ABC method, a combination of detection of serum anti-Hp antibodies and measurement of the level of serum pepsinogens (PG). These tests were conducted in three Japanese areas with relatively high-standardized mortality rates (SMR) for gastric cancer. The results showed that about half of the residents were classified into group A [Hp (-) PG (-)]. They were considered to be infection-free subjects who could be excluded from gastric cancer screening. On the other hand, it was also demonstrated that Hp infection rates differed by area and age. There are several problems involved with adopting this method for screening of different populations as well as developing strategies for surveillance and preventive therapy with limited resources.