臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.8(3)

特集名 胃癌リスク診断を巡って -- 現状と問題点
題名 胃癌リスク診断と検診への導入
発刊年月 2013年 07月
著者 井上 和彦 川崎医科大学総合臨床医学
【 要旨 】 Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)感染は胃癌発生の必要条件と位置づけられ,それに伴う高度の胃粘膜萎縮や胃粘膜炎症はハイリスクと考えられる.H. pylori抗体と血清ペプシノゲン(PG)法の組み合わせによるABC分類は,胃癌リスク評価法として有用であり,C群はハイリスク群,A群はローリスク群と判断でき,対策型検診への導入・普及が期待される.しかしながらその際,画像検査を適切に組み合わせた検診システムの構築が必須であることを忘れてはならない.また,A群へのH. pylori感染持続者や既感染者の混入を極力避ける必要もある.B群のなかでのリスクの細分類も望まれる.さらに,ABC分類に基づいた胃がん検診システムはまだ有効性評価が不十分であることを認識し,科学的検証を積み重ねなければならない.
Theme Determination of Gastric Cancer Risk -- Current Conditions and Issues
Title Judgment of Gastric Cancer Risk and Introduction of Gastric Cancer Screening
Author Kazuhiko Inoue Department of General Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
[ Summary ] Infection with Helicobacter pylori (Hp) is considered a prerequisite for gastric carcinogenesis, as is gastric mucosal atrophy which develops in association with the infection and is a risk factor for gastric cancer. The risk of gastric cancer can be assessed by using the ABC classification method. This method consists of a combination of techniques for measuring serum Hp antibodies and using the pepsinogen (PG) method, determining those in Group C with the PG method. A positive indication is considered to indicate those in the high risk group for gastric cancer, Group A subjects with Hp antibodies (-) and those assessed with the PG method (-) are in the low risk group. ABC classification is expected to greatly contribute to population-based screening. However, it should be noted that inappropriate categorization of cases with a past history of Hp infection and those with persistent infection into Group A must be avoided. In addition, patients with high PG II levels in Group B, exhibiting Hp antibodies (+) and those analyzed with the PG method (-), are considered to be in a group which is at high risk of gastric cancer. Therefore, standardization is desirable. Furthermore, it should not be forgotten that gastric cancer cannot be diagnosed solely through use of ABC classification and a combination of imaging examinations is necessary. It is also necessary to reinforce our control systems for ongoing yearly medical checkups for gastric cancer.