臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.6(13)

特集名 栄養代謝制御における消化管生理活性ペプチドの役割
題名 癌悪液質とグレリン ― 内在性グレリンシグナルを高めることによる癌悪液質の改善
発刊年月 2013年 06月
著者 上園 保仁 独立法人国立がん研究センター研究所がん患者病態生理研究分野
著者 寺脇 潔 独立法人国立がん研究センター研究所がん患者病態生理研究分野
著者 澤田 祐美 独立法人国立がん研究センター研究所がん患者病態生理研究分野
著者 柏瀬 陽平 独立法人国立がん研究センター研究所がん患者病態生理研究分野/東京理科大学薬学部生命創薬科学科分子病理・代謝学
著者 須藤 結香 独立法人国立がん研究センター研究所がん患者病態生理研究分野/東京理科大学薬学部生命創薬科学科分子病理・代謝学
【 要旨 】 進行癌患者の多くは食思不振,体重減少などの「悪液質」を呈するが,有効な治療法はない.悪液質の治療には,(1) 食思改善,(2) 生体代謝のバランス調整,(3) 筋肉増強がある.なかでも摂食ペプチドシグナル系,とくに末梢で唯一の食思促進ペプチド,グレリンの生体内作用の増強にかかわる研究が注目されている.グレリンの補充療法は有力な治療候補である一方,漢方薬,六君子湯のグレリンシグナル増強薬としての効果も注目されており,構成成分のうち陳皮,生姜,蒼朮が生体内グレリンシグナルを増強させる結果が得られている.癌悪液質の予防・治療の推進は重要な課題であり,癌悪液質と摂食ペプチドの研究はますます重要になってくると考える.
Theme The Roles of Gut Physiological Active Peptides in the Control of Nutrition and Metabolism
Title Cancer Cachexia and Ghrelin -- Improving Cachexic Symptoms Through Potentiation of Endogenous Ghrelin Signaling
Author Yasuhito Uezono Division of Cancer Pathophysiology, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Author Kiyoshi Terawaki Division of Cancer Pathophysiology, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Author Yumi Sawada Division of Cancer Pathophysiology, National Cancer Center Research Institute
Author Yohei Kashiwase Division of Cancer Pathophysiology, National Cancer Center Research Institute / Molecular Pathology & Metabolic Disease, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science
Author Yuka Sudo Division of Cancer Pathophysiology, National Cancer Center Research Institute / Molecular Pathology & Metabolic Disease, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Tokyo University of Science
[ Summary ] Cachexia induced by cancer is characterized by anorexia and weight loss. Associated symptoms affect the quality of life of cancer patients. To improve the symptoms of cachexia, three independent approaches are suggested ; improvement of gastrointestinal-related symptoms, control of metabolic balance and increasing the mass of skeletal muscles. Improving gastrointestinal symptoms with the orexigenic peptide ghrelin is now being examined in basic and clinical trials. Ghrelin controls gastrointestinal functions through activation of dedicated receptors. However, in patients with cancer-induced cachexia, blood ghrelin concentrations are already high, possibly due to compensatory mechanisms. Thus, they may be in a state of ghrelin resistance. Rikkunshito, a traditional Japanese Kampo medicine, has been reported to improve various gastrointestinal tract disorders due to increases in ghrelin levels. Although ghrelin and rikkunshito are anticipated to improve symptoms of cancer patients, we postulate that rikkunshito has additional mechanisms other than elevation of ghrelin concentrations. These medications may improve gastrointestinal symptoms without producing ghrelin resistance.
Our experimental results exhibited that rikkunshito potentiated ghrelin-induced cellular responses. Therefore, we conclude that rikkunshito as well as ghrelin alone may contribute to the development of novel treatments for cancer-induced cachexia conditions.