臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.3(1)

特集名 消化器癌化学療法― 新たなエビデンスを求めて
題名 食道癌周術期補助化学(放射線)療法の現状と新展開
発刊年月 2013年 03月
著者 廣中 秀一 千葉県がんセンター臨床試験推進部
【 要旨 】 切除可能食道癌に対する周術期補助化学療法(放射線療法)は古くから検討されてきた.しかし,食道癌の組織型や好発部位の違い,術式の違いから,欧米と本邦では治療成績も異なり,お互いのエビデンスの外挿は困難である.現時点の切除可能食道癌の標準治療は,イングランドとスコットランドを除く欧米では術前補助化学放射線療法であり,イングランド,スコットランドおよび本邦では術前補助化学療法である.術前補助化学療法と術前補助化学放射線療法のいずれがbetterかは不明であり,本邦において術前補助療法として,FP療法vs. DCF療法vs. FP-R療法の第III相試験が進行中であり,もっとも有効な補助療法が決定する.
Theme Perspective for Chemotherapy in Gastrointestinal Malignancy Based on Current Evidence
Title Neo-adjuvant and Adjuvant Therapy for Esophageal Cancer
Author Shuichi Hironaka Clinical Trial Promotion Department, Chiba Cancer Center
[ Summary ] Since the late 1970s in Western countries and Japan, preoperative chemotherapy and chemoradiotherapy have been investigated. Many randomized controlled trials have been conducted. Based on the results of these studies, preoperative chemoradiotherapy is regarded as the standard means of care for resectable esophageal cancer in the West except in the UK, including Scotland. Preoperative chemotherapy is the standard treatment in the UK and Scotland. In Japan, the Japan Clinical Oncology Group (JCOG) has reported on many randomized trials using preoperative or postoperative therapy. The last trial, JCOG9907, indicated survival benefits from preoperative chemotherapy compared to postoperative chemotherapy. Thus, preoperative chemotherapy has become the new standard of care for resectable esophageal cancer in Japan. However, a new question has arisen as to whether preoperative chemoradiotherapy or chemotherapy are preferable. In Japan, a new phase III trial by the JCOG, comparing preoperative chemoradiotherapy, to preoperative chemotherapy is now on-going.