臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.2(4-1)

特集名 消化管疾患に対する漢方医学からのアプローチ ― 現状と展望
題名 漢方薬の作用機序を巡って (1) グレリンが仲介する六君子湯と食欲調節機構
発刊年月 2013年 02月
著者 屋嘉比 康治 埼玉医科大学総合医療センター消化器・肝臓内科
【 要旨 】 近年,六君子湯の薬理作用に対して多くの研究がなされており,六君子湯が十二指腸から回腸までの蠕動運動伝播を促進し,胃排出の促進,空腹期あるいは食後期の収縮の改善,単離モルモット胃の適応性弛緩を促進することなどが報告されている.また,臨床研究でも六君子湯が胃癌術後の症状改善やがん化学療法の食欲低下の改善作用,あるいは逆流性食道炎にも有効であるとの報告が相次いで認められる.さらに,最近はその作用機序についても研究され,食欲亢進ペプチドのグレリン分泌を増加させることが明らかとなった.さらにグレリン作用の増強効果も報告されている.本稿ではグレリンの作用を介する六君子湯の食欲亢進作用について,その作用機序を中心にレビューする.
Theme Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders Using Traditional Japanese Herbal Medicine : Present Status and Future Prospects
Title The Mechanism for the Orexigenic Action of Rikkunshito
Author Koji Yakabi Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Saitama Medical University Saitama Medical Center
[ Summary ] The ingredients of the herbal medication Rikkunshito were determined five hundred years ago, since that time they have been widely used as a treatment for dyspepsia symptoms. Although, the mechanisms producing the effects of Rikkunshito have not been clarified over hundreds of years, recent studies of the pharmacological actions of Rikkunshito have been performed. Those studies showed a promotion of peristaltic movement between the duodenum and the ileum. Improvements in fasting and postprandial contraction and gastric emptying were also observed. In clinical studies, Rikkunshito has been shown to improve symptoms after gastrectomies and those due to chemotherapy. Rikkunshito has also been reported to improve symptoms associated with reflux esophagitis. Furthermore, in relation to the mechanisms involved, Rikkunshito has been shown to increase plasma ghrelin levels and also to enhance the action of ghrelin through an increase in the binding activity of GHSR-1a to ghrelin. Some of the contents such as 3,3', 4', 5,6,7,8-heptamethoxyflavone, hesperidin and isoliquiritigenin have been shown to be effectors for orexigenic effects through an antagonism to 5-HT2B or 2C receptors. Progress in the study of the mechanisms related to the orexigenic action of Rikkunshito are reviewed.