臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.2(2)

特集名 消化管疾患に対する漢方医学からのアプローチ ― 現状と展望
題名 消化器疾患診断における「証」を巡って
発刊年月 2013年 02月
著者 佐藤 弘 東京女子医科大学東洋医学研究所
【 要旨 】 漢方医学における「証」の特徴と消化管疾患への応用について論じた.「証」は薬物の反応性を考慮したアプローチで,時間的経過により変化しうるもの,治療と診断が表裏一体をなすものである.最近,近代医学でも「病名」対応だけでなく,より効率的な効果発現あるいは副作用発症高危険群の事前予測が行われるようになった.このことは,近代医学が「証」の概念を採用しつつあることを意味する.また消化器症状のみならず他の身体症状あるいは精神神経症状をも考慮している「証」の考え方は,とくに心理的要因の関与する割合が高い機能性消化管障害の治療に,今後取り入れてよい治療アプローチであると思われる.
Theme Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders Using Traditional Japanese Herbal Medicine : Present Status and Future Prospects
Title Significance of "Sho (evidence)" in Diagnosis and Treatment of Gastrointestinal Disorders
Author Hiroshi Sato Institute of Oriental Medicine, Tokyo Womenʼs Medical University
[ Summary ] The characteristics of "Sho (evidence)" in Kampo Medicine and its application to treatment of gastrointestinal diseases are discussed. The term "Sho" indicates the condition of patients as observed at a particular time, based on patho-physiological ideas in relation to Kampo medicine. Indications for implementation of the Kampo formula in relation to the patientʼs condition must also be considered. "Sho" is characterized by an approach based on drug response but not the name of a particular disease. It also means changeable conditions (the name of a disease is not changeable) and diagnosis identified with treatment. Recently, drugs have been selected in consideration of high response rates to a disease and / or exclusion of high risk groups which suffer from side effects caused by modern medicine. Concerning the selection of drugs, this approach is similar to ideas established through "Sho". There are three categories related to "Sho", these are as follows the pathophysiological condition of the patient, choice of herbal and formulaʼs one. We decide formula's "Sho" based on pathophysiological and herbal "Sho". When a patientʼs condition improve after administration, we think Kampo medical diagnosis is correct. If improvement is not obtained, we think that diagnosis is incorrect and administer other formula to the patient except for incurable case. "Sho" includes not only gastrointestinal manifestations but also other physical and psychological symptoms, and so we think that Kampo medicine will be applied to the therapy of gastrointestinal diseases, especially functional gastrointestinal disorders.