臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.12(12)

特集名 肥満と消化器疾患
題名 肥満症の外科治療 ― 国内外の現状と将来の展望
発刊年月 2013年 11月
著者 太田 正之 大分大学医学部消化器外科
著者 川野 雄一郎 大分大学医学部消化器外科
著者 川崎 貴秀 大分大学医学部消化器外科
著者 北野 正剛 大分大学
【 要旨 】 わが国の肥満人口は成人人口の約1/4 を占め,必ずしも欧米より肥満が少ないわけではない.現在,肥満外科手術は世界中で年間34万例行われており,おもな術式はRoux-en-Y胃バイパス術,スリーブ状胃切除術,調節性胃バンディング術である.わが国の肥満外科手術の年間症例数は200例未満であり,この領域では立ち遅れている.最近,肥満外科手術の安全性と有効性から,中等度肥満症(BMI<35kg/m2)に適応拡大しつつある.わが国における肥満外科手術の普及には啓蒙活動や保険収載が必須と考えている.
Theme Obesity Related Digestive Diseases
Title Current Status and Future of Endoscopic and Laparoscopic Procedures for Obesity
Author Masayuki Ohta Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Oita University Faculty of Medicine
Author Yuichiro Kawano Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Oita University Faculty of Medicine
Author Takahide Kawasaki Department of Gastroenterological Surgery, Oita University Faculty of Medicine
Author Seigo Kitano Oita University
[ Summary ] In Japan, the population of obese people (BMIB25≥kg/m2) comprises approximately one-fourth of the adult population. The frequency of obesity is not less than that in Western countries. Now, over 340,000 bariatric procedures are annually performed in the world. The typical procedures are Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, sleeve gastrectomy and adjustable gastric banding. In Japan, less than 200 cases are performed anually. Therefore, Japan is still a developing country in relation to the field of bariatric surgery. Because the safty and efficacy of bariatric surgery are generally recognized, indications have been recently extended to include moderate obesity (BMI<35 kg/m2). Information campaigns and insurance coverage for bariatric surgery may be necessary for more rapid introduction of bariatric surgery in Japan.