臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.12(1)

特集名 肥満と消化器疾患
題名 肥満と肥満症
発刊年月 2013年 11月
著者 宮崎 滋 結核予防会新山手病院生活習慣病センター
【 要旨 】 日本ではBMI25以上を肥満と判定する.一方,肥満症は肥満と判定されたもので,健康障害があるか,内臓脂肪の過剰蓄積(内臓脂肪面積100cm2以上)であれば診断される.簡潔に言えば,治療すべき肥満が肥満症である.肥満症に合併する疾患の大部分は内臓脂肪蓄積が関与している.BMI35以上で,肥満肺胞低換気症候群や心不全を合併する肥満を高度肥満という.
Theme Obesity Related Digestive Diseases
Title Obesity and Obesity Disease (Himan-sho)
Author Shigeru Miyazaki Lifestyle Related Disease Center, Shin-yamanote Hospital, Japan Anti-Tuberculosis Association
[ Summary ] Obesity is determined by body mass index (BMI) and defined as a BMI over 25. Obesity diseases are clinically defined based on the presence of complications related to obesity, or high risk obesity with an excess of visceral fat accumulation. In another words, individuals in this situation must reduce their weight for medical reasons.
Visceral fat accumulation causes many complications. Even with slight weight reductions, visceral fat may be rapidly reduced, as compared to subcutaneous fat. Improvement in related complications can be expected with this loss. The goal of weight reduction is to lower body weight by 3 to 5 % in 3-6 months. By employing weight loss to this degree, it has been demonstrated by the National Health Guidance and Checkups that diseases caused by obesity are improved. Morbid obesity with BMI of 35 or greater or cases complicated by heart failure associated with obesity related alveolar hypoventilation are also discussed.