臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.11(9-2)

特集名 下部直腸・肛門部疾患の診断と治療
題名 症例 (2) 肛門部Paget病
発刊年月 2013年 10月
著者 利根川 守 東京逓信病院形成外科
【 要旨 】 肛門部に生じたPaget病は,皮膚原発の乳房外Paget病と直腸肛門管癌が肛囲に波及したPaget現象とに大別される.両者は酷似した臨床像,病理組織像を呈するが,治療法および予後は著しく異なるので鑑別が重要である.その鑑別診断には術前の直腸肛門管内の内視鏡などによる病変の精査と切除標本の免疫組織化学染色,とくにCK7,CK20,GCDFP15による鑑別が有用である.呈示した症例は76歳,男性.肛囲瘙痒感とびらんを主訴に初診した.術前の胸腹骨盤内造影CT,大腸内視鏡,骨盤内造影MRI,PET検査にて直腸肛門管内に明らかな病変は認めなかったが,摘出標本の特殊染色でCK7(-),CK20(+)であり,直腸肛門管原発の腺癌からのPaget現象と診断した.
Theme Diagnosis and Treatment of Anorectal Disease
Title Perianal Paget's Disease
Author Mamoru Tonegawa Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Tokyo Postal Services Agency Hospital
[ Summary ] Perianal Pagetʼs disease is rare. There are two types of Pagetʼs disease. Primary cutaneous malignancy is designated as the primary symptom of extramammary Pagetʼs disease (EPD). A secondary disease associated with adjacent visceral invasive carcinoma is secondary EPD, known as the Pagetoid phenomenon. Despite similarities in clinical appearance, there is a significant difference in the prognoses for these conditions. It is difficult to distinguish between primary and secondary EPD based on clinical or routine/histological findings. Therefore, immunohistochemical analysis of CK7/CK20/GCDFP-15 expression is very useful in differentiating primary from secondary EPD. Secondary EPD exhibits the immunophenotype CK7+or-/CK20+/GCDFP-15-, primary EPD exhibits the CK7+/CK20-/GCDFP-15+.
A 76-year-old man presented with a primary complaint of pruritus and skin rash in the perianal region. Colonoscopic examination revealed no masses in the anal canal. Histological examination of skin biopsies taken from the perianal erosion revealed the presence of Pagetʼs cells. To determine the origin of these Pagetʼs cells, immunohistochemical analysis of CK7/CK20 expression was performed. These immunohistochemical studies reveled that the rectal adenocarcinoma was composed of CK20 but not for CK7. We diagnosed the lesion as being a Pagetoid phenomenon, associated with anal canal carcinoma.