臨牀消化器内科 Vol.28 No.10(3-2)

特集名 PEGの現状
題名 PEGおよび関連手技 (2) Introducer法
発刊年月 2013年 09月
著者 竹内 弘久 杏林大学医学部外科(消化器・一般)
著者 杉山 政則 杏林大学医学部外科(消化器・一般)
著者 小嶋 幸一郎 杏林大学医学部外科(消化器・一般)
【 要旨 】 Introducer法による経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術(PEG)は,胃壁固定後,カテーテルを口腔・咽頭を通過させず,腹壁外から胃内腔への経路にて留置する造設方法であり,内視鏡挿入操作が1回のみで全行程が終了する.そのため,Introducer法は,咽頭・食道に通過障害がある患者や,高度な口腔感染(MRSA)がある患者に対して有効である.また,Introducer法は,トロカール針による穿刺後,バルーン型胃瘻カテーテルを留置するIntroducer原法と,血管留置針を刺入し瘻孔をダイレーターで拡張したのち,バンパー型胃瘻カテーテルを留置するIntroducer変法の2つの方法に分類され,造設キットの開発が今なお加えられている.
Theme The Present State of Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG)
Title Introducer Method for Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
Author Hirohisa Takeuchi Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Masanori Sugiyama Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
Author Koichiro Kojima Department of Surgery, Kyorin University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The introducer method is an effective procedure for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG). In this method, a catheter is inserted through the abdominal wall into the stomach after fixation of the gastric wall to the abdominal wall. In contrast to the pull method, the catheter is not passed perorally and the procedure is accomplished with only one insertion of the gastroscope. The introducer method is useful, especially for cases of pharyngoesophageal stenosis or those patients with MRSA in the oral cavity. This method is subclassified into the original and modified methods. In the former, a balloon catheter is placed after puncturing the abdominal wall and the gastric wall with a thick trocar needle. In the latter, a fine needle is introduced, the tract is expanded using a dilator, and then a bumper catheter is placed. Potential complications are (1) erroneous puncture of other organs during required multiple punctures of the abdominal wall, (2) postoperative bleeding, and (3) failed fixation of the gastric wall. The original introducer method requires early replacement of the catheter. This procedure is often associated with technical difficulties. Measures to solve these problems have been developed.