臨牀消化器内科 Vol.27 No.9(4-3)

特集名 スキルス胃癌―診断・治療の現状と今後
題名 スキルス胃癌の診断 (3) CT診断
発刊年月 2012年 08月
著者 飯沼 元 国立がん研究センター中央病院放射線診断科
著者 三宅 基隆 国立がん研究センター中央病院放射線診断科
著者 荒井 保明 国立がん研究センター中央病院放射線診断科
【 要旨 】 マルチスライスCTの臨床応用により,消化管癌の診断においても原発巣やリンパ節を含む小さな転移巣の評価が容易となった.スキルス胃癌の治療方針決定において,腹膜播種の診断はきわめて重要であるが,依然として審査腹腔鏡細胞診に依存しているのが現状である.今後,空間分解能に優れたマルチスライスCTの画像データを活用し,スキルス胃癌術前の診断精度を向上させ,より適切に審査腹腔鏡検査を適応していくことは重要である.
Theme Diagnosis and Treatment of Scirrhous Gastric Cancer -- Current Status and Future Prospects
Title Multi-slice Computed Tomographic Gastrography for Diagnosis of Advanced Scirrhous Gastric Cancer
Author Gen Iinuma Department of Radiology, National Cancer Center Hospital
Author Mototaka Miyake Department of Radiology, National Cancer Center Hospital
Author Yasuaki Arai Department of Radiology, National Cancer Center Hospital
[ Summary ] The advent of multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) has brought greater speed of acquisition and higher resolution images, with resultant enhancement of image quality and reduced motion artifacts. We have applied MSCT to the visualization of gastric cancer. Various imaging modes of MSCT gastrography, including MPR views for detecting metastatic lesions, will be enhanced with further development of MSCT. However, there are severe limitations to the diagnosis of advanced scirrhous cancer, because metastasis of peritoneal dissemination often happens in these cases. Laparoscopic cytology is still essential for determining proper therapeutic methods. It is important to improve diagnostic performance for determining peritoneal dissemination by utilizing high resolution CT image data from MSCT scanning. MSCT gastrography can become an effective diagnostic tool in scirrhous cancer cases to determine not only clinical staging, but also adaption of laparoscopic cytology.