臨牀消化器内科 Vol.27 No.5(3-4)

特集名 非B非C型肝癌―最新の知見
題名 わが国における非B非C型肝癌の実態 (4) 糖尿病と癌
発刊年月 2012年 05月
著者 能登 洋 国立国際医療研究センター病院糖尿病・代謝症候群診療部/東京医科歯科大学医学部
【 要旨 】 近年,2型糖尿病では癌のリスクが増加することが世界的に着目されている.臓器別には,乳癌・大腸結腸癌・子宮体癌・肝癌・膵癌・膀胱癌・非ホジキンリンパ腫のリスクが有意に増加し,前立腺癌のリスクが有意に低下することが報告されている.2型糖尿病で癌のリスクが増加する機序として,高インスリン血症・高血糖の関与が提唱されているが,われわれの行ったメタアナリシスでは,インスリン抵抗性よりもインスリン分泌低下が病態の主体とされるアジア人でも癌のリスク増加を認めた.2型糖尿病での癌のリスク低下策として減量・禁煙・運動の励行が推奨される.さらに,糖尿病治療薬としてメトホルミンの発癌予防効果が期待されている.
Theme Non-B, Non-C Hepatocellular Carcinoma : The Latest Findings
Title Increased Risk of Cancer with Diabetes Mellitus
Author Hiroshi Noto Department of Diabetes and Metabolic Medicine, National Center for Global Health and Medicine / Department of Medicine, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
[ Summary ] Emerging evidence from observational data and metaanalyses of the data suggest that diabetes mellitus is associated with an increased risk of cancer. Meta-analyses have indicated that diabetes increases the over all risk of cancer and of site-specific cancers of the breast, endometrium, bladder, liver, colorectum, and pancreas, and that it decreases the risk of prostate cancer. The combination of insulin resistance and secondary hyperinsulinemia is the most frequently proposed cause of cancer. Hyperglycemia alone may promote carcinogenesis. However, diabetes is associated with a higher risk for developing cancer in Asian men than in non-Asian men and the possibility of genetic component cannot be excluded. In addition to various facets of lifestyle including obesity, smoking, and lack of exercise, treatment for diabetes may affect the risk of cancer. For instance, metformin, an insulin sensitizer, reportedly has a potential anti-cancer effect. In light of the exploding global epidemic of diabetes, even a modest increase in cancer risk will translate into a substantial socioeconomic burden. Current insights into these disease relationships underscore the need for clinical attention and better-designed studies of the complex interactions between diabetes and cancer.