臨牀消化器内科 Vol.27 No.5(2)

特集名 非B非C型肝癌―最新の知見
題名 わが国における非B非C型肝硬変の実態
発刊年月 2012年 05月
著者 青木 智子 兵庫医科大学内科肝胆膵科/兵庫医科大学超音波センター
著者 飯島 尋子 兵庫医科大学内科肝胆膵科/兵庫医科大学超音波センター
著者 西口 修平 兵庫医科大学内科肝胆膵科
【 要旨 】 非B非C型肝硬変の成因別頻度を明らかにした第15回日本肝臓学会大会(2011)の主題ポスターでは,新しく脂肪性肝硬変(脂肪肝を基盤として,飲酒量が20〜70 g/dayのもの)を成因に加えた点が注目される.過去の全国集計と比較すると,非B非C型肝硬変は1998年21.8%,2008年24%,2011年26%と漸増傾向にあった.2011年に集計した非B非C型肝硬変6,999症例の内訳をみると,アルコール性55.1%,NASH14.5%,PBC8%,AIH6.8%,脂肪性2.5%,原因不明10.5%であった.2008年の集計と比して,アルコール性肝硬変の割合は変わらないが,NASH肝硬変の割合は有意に増加していた(14.5% vs 8.7%;P<0.001).脂肪性肝硬変は男性に多く,糖尿病や脂質異常症の合併がNASH同様に高く,肝癌合併率も高かった.
また当院の検討では,非B非C型肝癌症例32例のうち9例の血清・正常肝組織から,HBV DNAが検出されており,32例中1例ではB型肝癌を示唆するintegrated HBV DNAの存在が確認された.非B非C型のなかには一定の確率でoccult HBVが含まれており,今後の検討課題と思われた.
Theme Non-B, Non-C Hepatocellular Carcinoma : The Latest Findings
Title The True State of Non-B Non-C Liver Cirrhosis in Japan
Author Tomoko Aoki Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease, Department of Ultrasound Center, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Hiroko Iijima Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease, Department of Ultrasound Center, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Shuhei Nishiguchi Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Disease, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] It was announced at the JDDW 2011 conference that the number of HBs Ag negative and HCV Ab negative liver cirrhosis (NBNC-LC) cases is gradually increasing. The rates of increase are as follows: 1998 21.8 %, 2008 24 % and 2011 26 %. In 2011, the frequency of alcohol related cases was 55.1 %, NASH related were 14.5 %, PBC related were 8 %, AIH were 6.8 %, fatty liver cases (based on steatohepatitis and alcohol consumption rates of 20-70 g/day) were 2.5 %, and the number of cases related to cryptogenic liver cirrhosis was 10.5 %. The frequency of alcohol related liver cirrhosis cases in 2011 was the same as in 2008. However, the frequency of NASH in 2011 was higher than in 2008 (14.5 % vs 8.7 %; P<0.001). Fatty liver cirrhosis has become a new criteria, which was developed at the JDDW2011 conference. It is characterized by complications due to diabetes mellitus, hyperlipemia, and hepatocellular carcinoma.
It was determined that NBNC-HCCs cases were occasionally associated with occult HBV infections. We detected 9 HBV DNA related cases from serum and normal liver tissues of 32 NBNC-HCC patients by employing nested PCR. One involved integrated HBV DNA in the tumor tissue, as determined by Southern blot analysis.