臨牀消化器内科 Vol.27 No.3(2-2)

特集名 H. pylori胃炎からの発癌 ― 除菌有効性を巡っての視点
題名 除菌によるH. pylori関連胃炎の変化 (2) 萎縮性胃炎・腸上皮化生の経年変化を巡って
発刊年月 2012年 03月
著者 兒玉 雅明 大分大学医学部消化器内科
著者 村上 和成 大分大学医学部消化器内科
著者 沖本 忠義 大分大学医学部消化器内科
著者 藤岡 利生 大分大学医学部消化器内科
【 要旨 】 萎縮性胃炎,腸上皮化生はH. pylori感染によって生じ胃癌の前癌病変として認識されている.除菌による胃癌抑制効果が報告されているが,背景には除菌による萎縮および腸上皮化生の改善の存在が示唆される.除菌後の胃粘膜変化は多くの報告がなされているが,萎縮および腸上皮化生改善の有無に関しては一致した結論を得ていない.最近のmeta-analysis 2報では萎縮は改善(1報は体部前庭部両方,1報は体部のみ),腸上皮化生は有意な改善を見ないとされている.結論が一定しない理由として,除菌後の観察期間が短いこと,胃内前庭部および体部の2点のみの組織評価が多いこと,萎縮,腸上皮化生の客観評価が難しい点などが挙げられる.今後10年以上の長期間,updated Sydney systemで推奨される5点部位評価による結果が期待される.
Theme Carcinogenesis Based on H. pylori-associated Gastritis -- Is Cancer Control Possible by the Eradication ?
Title Alteration of Gastric Atrophy and Intestinal Metaplasia after H. pylori Eradication Therapy
Author Masaaki Kodama Department of Gastroenterolgy, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University
Author Kazunari Murakami Department of Gastroenterolgy, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University
Author Tadayoshi Okimoto Department of Gastroenterolgy, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University
Author Toshio Fujioka Department of Gastroenterolgy, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University
[ Summary ] Atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia (IM) caused by Helicobacter pylori infection are considered to be premalignant lesions. Improvements in these conditions seen post-H. pylori eradication may be regarded as an important factor for gastric cancer prevention. Although many studies have reported the alteration of gastric mucosa after H. pylori eradication, most results do not support this conclusion. Some studies have shown improvements in atrophy and/or IM after H. pylori eradication. However, others showed no improvement. Recently, two metaanalysis studies showed significant improvement in atrophy (one study showed improvement in both the corpus and the antrum, and the other showed improvement in the corpus but not the antrum). Improvements in IM were not exhibited in both the corpus and antrum. However, one reason conclusions are different is considered to be that the observation period after eradication was short. Most studies observed patients for less than 2 years. The other reason is considered to be that most studies examined only 2 points in the gastric mucosa for histological analysis. Further examination with greater numbers of subjects and with longer follow up periods are required to clarify the mechanisms of gastric injury and improvements in gastric mucosa. Atrophy and IM after H. pylori eradication should be paid particular attention. Improvement in gastric atrophy and IM may reduce the risk of gastric cancer occurrence after H. pylori eradication.