臨牀消化器内科 Vol.27 No.1(9-1)

特集名 IBDの最近の治療
題名 外科的治療 (1) 潰瘍性大腸炎に対する外科的治療
発刊年月 2012年 01月
著者 池内 浩基 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/下部消化管外科
著者 内野 基 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/下部消化管外科
著者 松岡 宏樹 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/下部消化管外科
著者 坂東 俊宏 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/下部消化管外科
著者 平田 晃宏 兵庫医科大学炎症性腸疾患センター/下部消化管外科
著者 冨田 尚裕 兵庫医科大学下部消化管外科
【 要旨 】 潰瘍性大腸炎(以下,UC)手術症例の手術時年齢をみると,以前は20歳代にピークがあったが,最近の症例は30歳代にピークが移動し,60歳以上の高齢者の比率も有意に増加している.UCの内科的治療の選択肢は増加しているが,高齢者の緊急手術症例の予後がきわめて不良であるため,若年者と同様の治療を行ってもよいかどうかが,現在の論点である.
Theme Current Therapy of IBD
Title Surgical Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis
Author Hiroki Ikeuchi Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Motoi Uchino Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Hiroki Matsuoka Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Toshihiro Bando Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Akihiro Hirata Inflammatory Bowel Disease Center / Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Naohiro Tomita Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] For patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) undergoing surgery, the median age at time of surgery was previously in the 20s, while recently it has shifted to the 30s. Moreover, the number of elderly patients over 60 years old has rapidly increased. Although options for medical treatment of UC are advancing, the prognosis after emergency surgery is extremely poor for elderly patients. Accordingly, it is a point of controversy as to whether they should be treated with the same therapy as younger patients.
Pouchitis is the most frequent postoperative complication following surgery for UC, though the incidence in Japan is somewhat lower than that reported in Western countries. Nevertheless, the incidence of intractable pouchitis in daily clinical practice in Japan is rising and an important challenge for the immediate future is to establish effective therapies for intractable cases. However, even newly introduced treatments such as leukocyte removal therapy and anti-TNFα therapy have not provided fully satisfactory results.