臨牀消化器内科 Vol.26 No.4(2-1)

特集名 転移性肝癌 -- 多様化する治療
題名 大腸癌肝転移の治療 (1) 大腸癌肝転移治療―多様化の現状
発刊年月 2011年 04月
著者 吉留 博之 千葉大学大学院臓器制御外科学
著者 木村 文夫 千葉大学大学院臓器制御外科学
著者 清水 宏明 千葉大学大学院臓器制御外科学
著者 大塚 将之 千葉大学大学院臓器制御外科学
著者 宮崎 勝 千葉大学大学院臓器制御外科学
【 要旨 】 最近の新規抗癌剤並びに分子標的治療薬の飛躍的進歩により,切除不能と判断される大腸癌肝転移症例に対して,術前投与により切除可能へconvertする治療戦略の報告がなされるようになってきた.肝切除が可能となれば,その予後は切除可能肝転移症例の初回肝切除後と遜色がなく有効な治療戦略と考えられる.一方,切除可能症例に対する術前投与の意義と切除のタイミングに関してはcontroversialである.また抗癌剤による肝障害の問題や抗腫瘍効果を考慮した治療戦略の確立が重要である.本稿では当科における術前抗癌剤投与の成績と肝切除の意義を切除不能例に対するconversion chemotherapyを中心に詳述した.
Theme Diversified Modalities of Liver Metastasis Treatment
Title Strategy for Treatment of Colorectal Liver Metastases
Author Hiroyuki Yoshidome Department of General Surgery, Chiba University, Graduate School of Medicine
Author Fumio Kimura Department of General Surgery, Chiba University, Graduate School of Medicine
Author Hiroaki Shimizu Department of General Surgery, Chiba University, Graduate School of Medicine
Author Masayuki Ohtsuka Department of General Surgery, Chiba University, Graduate School of Medicine
Author Masaru Miyazaki Department of General Surgery, Chiba University, Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Recent progress in chemotherapy and molecular target agents has made it possible to surgically treat initially unresectable colorectal liver metastases. Our criteria for initially unresectable colorectal liver metastases included those where there would be diminished remnant liver volume due to multiple bilobar metastases or ill-located tumors, as well as simultaneous unresectable lung metastases. Of the 17 patients who had PR/SD responding to the first line chemotherapy, the 3-year overall survival rate was 70 % better than patients not treated with this modality. On the other hand, the indications for neoadjuvant chemotherapy for resectable colorectal liver metastases are still undefined. The adverse effects from neoadjuvant chemotherapy are reported to be sinusoidal dilatation induced by oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy and steatohepatitis induced by irinotecan-based chemotherapy. To avoid these unfavorable effects, the timing of liver resection for resectable colorectal liver metastases after neoadjuvant chemotherapy is required to be determined. In conclusion, surgical treatment is beneficial for patients with downstaged colorectal liver metastases by employing conversion chemotherapy. Long-term chemotherapy prior to surgery is associated with the adverse effects observed with preoperative chemotherapy, which may affect on liver function.