臨牀消化器内科 Vol.26 No.2(9-3)

特集名 メタボリックシンドロームと大腸癌
題名 大腸癌の予防(トピックス) (3) プロバイオティクス
発刊年月 2011年 02月
著者 大原 正志 東京医科大学茨城医療センター消化器内科
著者 松崎 靖司 東京医科大学茨城医療センター消化器内科
【 要旨 】 大腸癌患者と健常人の腸内フローラ・腸内環境の差異を検討し,プロバイオティクスによる大腸癌予防の可能性について検討した.対象は大腸癌患者10例と健常人20例で,大腸癌患者と健常人10例の糞便と末¿血を採取して,腸内フローラの解析とNK細胞活性,血中IL-1βの測定を行った.また,別の健常人10例にプロバイオティクス(Lactobacillus gasseri OLL2716:LG21)を1回/day,12週間摂取させ,4週,8週,12週目にサンプルを採取して同様の検討を行った.結果は,Lactobacillus検出率が健常人では大腸癌患者と比べ有意に高く,Clostridium perfringensの総菌数は大腸癌患者で有意に高かった.大腸癌患者では糞便pHはアルカローシスを示し,糞便中の短鎖脂肪酸の総量も健常人より減少傾向を示した.プロバイオティクス摂取後,Lactobacillusの検出率は増加し,Clostridium perfringensの総量も減少を認め,糞便pHもアシドーシスを示し,糞便腐敗産物の生成も抑制され,短鎖脂肪酸のイソ酪酸の増加が認められた.血中IL-1β,NK細胞活性値もプロバイオティクス摂取4週目以降は前値に比べ有意な増加を示した.大腸癌患者では,健常人に比べ腸内環境の悪化が認められ,プロバイオティクスの摂取で腸内環境が改善することが示された.以上の結果より,プロバイオティクスによる大腸癌発症予防の可能性が示唆された.
Theme Links Between Metabolic Syndrome and Colorectal Cancer
Title Possible Prevention of Colorectal Carcinogenesis with Probiotics
Author Tadashi Ohara Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University Ibaraki Medical Center
Author Yasushi Matsuzaki Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tokyo Medical University Ibaraki Medical Center
[ Summary ] We investigated the differences between the intestinal flora of colorectal cancer patients and healthy subjects and assessed the possibility of using probiotics to prevent colorectal carcinogenesis. The subjects consisted of 10 colorectal cancer patients and 20 healthy individuals. Stool specimens and peripheral blood specimens were collected from the patients and 10 of the healthy subjects to analyze their intestinal flora and measure natural killer (NK) cell activity and levels of IL-1β intheir blood. Probiotics (Lactobacillus gasseri OLL2716:LG21)were then administered once daily to 10 of the healthy subjects for 12 weeks. Samples were collected 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks after administration, and the same examinations were performed. The Lactobacillus detection rate was significantly higher inthe healthy group thaninthe colorectal cancer group, and the total Clostridium perfringens detectionrate was higher in the colorectal cancer group. The stool pH of the colorectal cancer group indicated alkalosis, and the total amount of short-chain fatty acids in the stools tended to be lower thaninthe healthy group. After ingestionof probiotics, the Lactobacillus detection rate increased. A decrease in the total amount of Clostridium perfringens was seen, fecal pH indicated acidosis, synthesis of fecal putrefaction products was inhibited, and an increase in the shortchainfatty acid isobutyric acid was observed. Blood IL-1β and NK cell activity values were significantly higher from the 4th week onward than the values before ingestion of probiotics. A deterioration of the intestinal environment was observed in colorectal cancer patients as compared to the healthy control subjects. The intestinal environment was considered to have improved when probiotics was consumed. These findings suggest the possibility of preventing colorectal carcinomas with probiotics.