臨牀消化器内科 Vol.26 No.2(7)

特集名 メタボリックシンドロームと大腸癌
題名 肥満と大腸癌
発刊年月 2011年 02月
【 要旨 】 大腸癌は,生活習慣の関与が大きい癌で,肥満やメタボリックシンドローム(MS)と強く関連している.大腸腺腫や大腸癌と肥満との関連の報告も多く,MSの構成因子の数が多いほどそれらの有病率も増加する.しかし,大腸癌の危険因子は,MSの構成因子のなかで肥満や高血糖に偏る傾向にあり,おもに心血管性疾患のリスクを表すMSと大腸癌のリスクとは少し異なる可能性もある.大腸癌の発生機序は,インスリン抵抗性やアディポサイトカインによる細胞増殖促進,アポトーシス抑制,炎症反応などの関与が考えられている.なお,大腸癌のリスクは,減量により低下する可能性もあり,生活習慣の改善が重要である.
Theme Links Between Metabolic Syndrome and Colorectal Cancer
Title Association of Obesitywith Colorectal Cancer Risk
[ Summary ] Recent evidence has indicated that obesity and related metabolic abnormalities increase the incidence of and mortality rates for various types of cancers. Known risk factors for colorectal cancers and adenomas include obesity, physical inactivity, visceral fat accumulation, hyperglycemia, and hyperinsulinemia. In contrast, body weight reduction is considerated to be a protective factor for colorectal cancers.
Metabolic syndrome is characterized by a group of components associated with cardiovascular events. Recent epidemiological studies have suggested that in addition to the fact that metabolic syndrome is a cardiovascular risk factor, it can also be a risk factor for cancer, especially colorectal cancer. The factors associated with metabolic syndrome, including visceral fat accumulation, and hyperglycemia particularly increase the risk of colorectal cancer. One underlying biological mechanism may be insulin resistance and abnormal adipocytokines.
Further studies are needed to elucidate the complete picture illustrating these underlying biological mechanisms, and to determine whether changes in life style and/or pharmacological treatments for metabolic abnormalities can protect patients from colorectal cancer.