臨牀消化器内科 Vol.26 No.2(3)

特集名 メタボリックシンドロームと大腸癌
題名 食事と大腸癌
発刊年月 2011年 02月
【 要旨 】 大腸癌は食事習慣の関与が大きく,近年の食事習慣の欧米化により罹患率・死亡率が上昇している.食事習慣として,赤身肉,加工肉,飲酒は確実な危険因子であるが,従来考えられていたほど食物繊維の予防効果は確実ではない.抗癌作用を期待していわゆる健康食品を摂取することを推奨するのに十分な科学的根拠はない.一方明らかな危険因子を避けた食事習慣を心がけることは大腸癌のリスクを低下させ推奨される.和食は大腸癌リスクの低い食事と考えられている.
Theme Links Between Metabolic Syndrome and Colorectal Cancer
Title Dietary Impact on Colorectal Cancer
[ Summary ] The impact of foods on colorectal cancer is important, and the recent introduction of Western foods has increased both incidence and mortality rates of colorectal cancer in Japan. Red meat, processed meat and alcohol consumption are known risk factors for colorectal cancer. Dietary fiber has previously been considered to decrease the risk for colorectal cancer. However, recent evidence has cast doubt on this theory. On the other hand, balanced diets, such as those in which red meat, processed meat and alcohol consumption are reduced, are recommended for decreasing the risk of colorectal cancer. Traditional Japanese food is considered to be one choice for achieving a balanced diet.