臨牀消化器内科 Vol.26 No.12(2-1)

特集名 内視鏡で遭遇する大腸隆起型および表面型病変を見直す
題名 早期癌の診断 (1) 通常観察
発刊年月 2011年 11月
著者 斉藤 裕輔 市立旭川病院消化器病センター
著者 垂石 正樹 市立旭川病院消化器病センター
著者 小澤 賢一郎 市立旭川病院消化器病センター
著者 中嶋 駿介 市立旭川病院消化器病センター
著者 杉山 隆治 市立旭川病院消化器病センター
著者 富永 素矢 旭川医科大学消化器・血液腫瘍制御内科学分野
【 要旨 】 癌を疑う病変を発見した際には,通常観察に色素散布を併用してPG(polypoid growth type)かNPG(non polypoid growth type)かを観察することが深達度決定に重要である.また,内視鏡治療の適応決定のために重要な通常内視鏡所見として,隆起型癌では,腫瘍の全体像における緊満所見,内視鏡的硬さ,凹凸不整,腫瘍の表面性状における粗糙所見,また,腫瘍周囲の性状におけるひだ集中,ひきつれ,弧の硬化に注目する.表面型SM癌においては,腫瘍の全体像における緊満所見,内視鏡的硬さ,凹凸不整,腫瘍の表面性状における陥凹内隆起,陥凹内の凹凸,粗糙,強い発赤所見,また,腫瘍周囲の性状におけるひだ集中,ひきつれ,弧の硬化,台状挙上,に注目する.病変発見時には色素散布を積極的に併用し,肉眼型ごとにこれらの通常内視鏡所見が一つ以上みられる場合には外科手術を考慮し,これらの通常内視鏡所見が一つもみられない場合は積極的に内視鏡治療を行うことが効率的と考えられる.
Theme Reappraisal of Colorectal Protruded and Flat Lesions Which are Encountered During Endoscopy
Title Diagnosis for Early Colorectal Carcinomas -- Conventional Colonoscopy
Author Yusuke Saitoh Digestive Disease Center, Asahikawa City Hospital
Author Masaki Taruishi Digestive Disease Center, Asahikawa City Hospital
Author Ken-ichiro Ozawa Digestive Disease Center, Asahikawa City Hospital
Author Shunsuke Nakajima Digestive Disease Center, Asahikawa City Hospital
Author Ryuji Sugiyama Digestive Disease Center, Asahikawa City Hospital
Author Motoya Tominaga Division of Gastroenterology and Hematology/Oncology, Department of Medicine, Asahikawa Medical College
[ Summary ] When lesions are detected and suspected of being carcinomas, discrimination between PG (polypoid growth) types or NPG (non polypoid growth) types is important to determine invasion depth. This may be accomplished by use of dye spray methods. Important colonoscopic findings for the determination of therapeutic strategies are elucidated. Objective colonoscopic findings for SM-massive cancers are as follows;presence of "expanded appearance", "stiffness of the lesion", "coarse or uneven surface", or "converging folds leading toward the tumor". "Deformities or poor extension surrounding the tumor" may be observed, in polypoid type carcinomas. The presence of "expanded appearance" or "stiffness of the lesion may be seen also. "Coarse or uneven surfaces", "deep or irregular depressed surfaces" as well as deep red surfaces, "surface strong redness" may also be observed. "Converging folds, leading toward the tumor", "deformities or poor extension surrounding the tumor" or "table-like protrusions from the lesion" may be observed in flat and depressed type lesions. If no colonoscopic finding are detected in the lesion with use of the dye spray method, endoscopic resection is recommended. If one or more of the above colonoscopic findings are detected, surgical procedures should be considered.