臨牀消化器内科 Vol.26 No.11(1-1)

特集名 肝と免疫
題名 免疫総論 (1) 自然免疫と獲得免疫
発刊年月 2011年 10月
著者 関 修司 防衛医科大学校免疫・微生物学講座
【 要旨 】 獲得免疫とは,一度罹った感染症には二度と罹らない免疫機能のことである.それに対して,自然免疫とはヒトや動物が生まれながらにもっている免疫機能のことをいう.獲得免疫は,ウイルス感染を効率よく防御するための免疫系であり,胸腺で多種類のヘルパーT細胞とキラーT細胞が分化成熟し,抗体を産生するB細胞とともに多くのウイルス感染に対応する.自然免疫系の肝臓のNK細胞やNKT細胞は,獲得免疫成立後の壮年期以降,癌を抑制するために働く.クッパー細胞(マクロファージ)は,獲得免疫と自然免疫の両者に重要である.マウスではNKT細胞,NK細胞,bystander CD122CD8T細胞そしてCD122メモリーCD8T細胞により腫瘍に対する獲得免疫が成立する.
Theme Liver and Immunity
Title Innate Immunity and Acquired Immunity
Author Shuhji Seki Department of Immunology and Microbiology, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] Acquired immunity is the element of the immune system which enables hosts to eradicate microbes efficiently which had infected previously. In contrast, innate immunity is the element of the immune system which is naturally existing from birth through adulthood. Acquired immunity consists of helper T cells, killer T cells and B cells. These cells effectively protect hosts from viral infection by their T cell receptors and immunoglobulins (antibodies) in relation to antigen specific diversity. T cells differentiate and mature in the thymus. Innate immunity are liver NK cells and NKT cells, work against cancers after forming acquired immunity in middle aged and elder hosts. Kupffer cells (macrophages) are critical for both innate and acquired immunity. In the liver, Kupffer cells, NKT cells, NK cells, bystander CD122+ CD8+ T cells and CD122- memory CD8+ T cells work cooperatively to complete the antitumor memory immunity system.