臨牀消化器内科 Vol.26 No.1(9)

特集名 膵癌up-to-date
発刊年月 2011年 01月
著者 原田 亮 手稲渓仁会病院消化器病センター
著者 真口 宏介 手稲渓仁会病院消化器病センター
著者 小山内 学 手稲渓仁会病院消化器病センター
【 要旨 】 低侵襲性画像診断法の進歩により診断目的のERCP(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography)件数は減少している.しかしながら,ERCP は膵管像の詳細な評価に加え膵管内からの細胞診や組織診による病理学的診断を行いうるため,本邦では精密検査法として重要な役割をもつと位置づけている.おもな適応は,微小病変や鑑別診断困難例,IPMNの診断などに限定されるが,高い診断精度が求められる.施行に際しては,術後膵炎の発生を考慮した対策,工夫を心がける必要がある.
Theme Pancreatic Cancer : Up-to-date
Title ERCP for Pancreatic Cancer
Author Ryo Harada Center for Gastroenterology, Teine-Keijinkai Hospital
Author Hiroyuki Maguchi Center for Gastroenterology, Teine-Keijinkai Hospital
Author Manabu Osanai Center for Gastroenterology, Teine-Keijinkai Hospital
[ Summary ] Since its development, ERCP has played a major role in the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. ERCP allows direct visualization of the main pancreatic duct and its branches, and allows visualization of morphologic abnormalities which are present in most cases of pancreatic cancer. This method of evaluation is very sensitive in experienced hands. However, given the risk of complications such as post-ERCP pancreatitis and the development of less invasive modalities including US, CT, MRI and EUS, there has been an accelerated shift toward ERCP therapy-oriented applications. ERCP is not simply a method for obtaining images of the pancreatic duct. Collection of pancreatic juice, transpapillary biopsy and brush cytology of the pancreatic duct, and intraductal ultrasonography are all possible through the use of ERCP. ERCP is also more sensitive than US, CT, MRI or EUS for detecting pancreatic cancer which may cause strictures in the main pancreatic duct without any masses or pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia. ERCP-based techniques for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer are still necessary. As a result, ERCP remains the primary component of imaging modalities. To reduce the risk of ERCP associated complications, patients must be carefully evaluated on an individual basis.