臨牀消化器内科 Vol.26 No.1(13)

特集名 膵癌up-to-date
題名 放射線療法
発刊年月 2011年 01月
著者 中村 聡明 大阪府立成人病センター放射線治療科
【 要旨 】 局所進行膵癌の治療においては,局所の制御が得られないかぎり長期予後の向上は得られないことから,化学放射線療法にその役割が期待されている.塩酸ゲムシタビン(GEM)またはテガフール・ギメラシル・オテラシルカリウム配合カプセル剤(S-1)は,進行膵癌に対する単独投与にて良好な治療成績を示し,放射線療法との併用が試みられている.いずれも放射線療法との併用時には消化管障害が問題となるが,リンパ節領域への予防照射を省いた限局照射法を用いることで,放射線治療期間中もfull-doseの抗癌剤投与が可能となることが明らかとなり,MST約15カ月,2年生存割合は約25%と良好な治療成績が示されるようになった.
Theme Pancreatic Cancer : Up-to-date
Title Chemoradiotherapy for Locally Advanced Pancreatic Cancer
Author Satoaki Nakamura Department of Radiation Oncology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases
[ Summary ] The prognosis for locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC) remains dismal despite advances in chemotherapy and radiotherapy. As systemic therapy improves, local disease control will also become increasingly important because eradication of micrometastatic disease cannot lead to a cure without eradication of primary tumors. Chemoradiotherapy with 5-FU has been the primary treatment for LAPC based on results of previous randomized trials. However, the prognosis for these patients remains poor, with a reported median survival time of only approximately 10 months. Distant metastases were the main cause of treatment failure after chemoradiotherapy with 5-FU. A more effective systemic treatment may be effective in the control of distant metastases and subsequently prolong patient survival. Both gemcitabine and S-1 are effective in the treatment of pancreatic cancer and are potent radiosensitizers. The aim of this review is to discuss data from the available studies, both prospective and retrospective, which evaluate the efficacy of chemoradiotherapy with full-dose gemcitabine or S-1 in patients with LAPC.