臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.5(1)

特集名 血管の異常をきたす消化管疾患
題名 食道静脈瘤治療の最近の知見
発刊年月 2010年 05月
著者 竹内 雅春 三好病院
著者 中井 謙之 中井記念病院
著者 朱 明義 博愛茨木病院
著者 王 孔志 兵庫医科大学外科
著者 藤元 治朗 兵庫医科大学外科
【 要旨 】 食道静脈瘤(esophageal varices;EV)において,安全かつ効果的な治療を行うためには,血行動態の把握が重要である.供血路が左胃静脈(LGV)である症例におけるMD-CTによる側副血行路解剖解析から,傍食道静脈(PEV)に着目し3型に分類した.Ⅰ型はPEVを認めない,II型はPEVを認め,PEV径がEV径と同等以下,III型はPEVが発達しEV径よりも太いものである.治療はⅠ型ではLGV根部まで塞栓が必要であり,EISのみ適応となる.II・III型ではLGV前後枝分岐部までの塞栓でよいため,EVL,EISの両治療法が適応となる血行動態である.MD-CTによるPEVに着目した血行動態分類は,安全かつ適切な治療方針を立てることができ有用である.
Theme Vascular Disorder of Gastro-intestinal Tract
Title RecentAdvances in Treatment of Esophageal Varices
Author Masaharu Takeuchi Miyoshi Hospital
Author Yoshiyuki Nakai Nakai Memorial Hospital
Author Akiyoshi Shu Hakuai Ibaraki Hospital
Author Koshi Oh Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
Author Jiro Fujimoto Department of Surgery, Hyogo College of Medicine
[ Summary ] For the safe and effective treatment of esophageal varices, lesions were hemodynamically classified based on anatomical analysis of the collateral circulation, using multi-detector-row computed tomography (MD-CT). Forty-nine patients with esophageal varices having blood supplies from the left gastric vein (LGV) served as subjects of this study. The hemodynamics of the para-esophageal vein (PEV) were classified into the following three types: type I, those without PEV; type II, PEV which had developed a diameter equal to or less than the diameter of esophageal varices;and type III, cases where PEV exhibits greater diameters. For treatment, embolization must be extended to the root of the LGV in type I and in type II and III, embolization must be performed up to the point where LGV branches are observed. From the standpoint of hemodynamics classification type I is well suited for EIS and type II and type III, respond to both EIS and EVL treatment. Hemodynamic classification based on PEV using MD-CT is highly useful in formulating safe and effective therapeutic strategies.