臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.3(6)

特集名 食道・胃の前癌病変,高発癌状態をめぐって
題名 萎縮性胃炎・腸上皮化生と胃癌発生
発刊年月 2010年 03月
著者 柳岡 公彦 和歌山県立医科大学第二内科
著者 向林 知津 和歌山健康センター
著者 井口 幹崇 和歌山県立医科大学第二内科
著者 岡 政志 和歌山県立医科大学第二内科
著者 茂原 治 和歌山健康センター
著者 一瀬 雅夫 和歌山県立医科大学第二内科
【 要旨 】 これまで萎縮性胃炎は食事,ストレス,喫煙,アルコール,薬剤などの外的負荷因子が加わった加齢による変化と考えられてきた.現在ではHelicobacter pylori (H. pylori)感染が重要因子として知られている.筆者らは,H. pylori感染による胃炎進展,胃癌発生に至る自然史を踏まえ,胃癌高危険群としての萎縮性胃炎の意義をH. pylori感染の各段階について5,209人を対象に,10年間にわたる追跡調査を行い,検討した.慢性萎縮性胃炎の存在および進展度には血清ペプシノゲン(PG)値,H. pylori感染の有無には血清抗H.pylori IgG抗体を用いて,胃癌発生のメインルートが胃炎―萎縮性胃炎・腸上皮化生―胃癌であること,H. pylori関連胃炎の進展に伴い胃癌のリスクが段階的に上昇することを示した.
Theme Precancerous Conditions and Cancer High-risk Lesions in the Esophagus and the Stomach
Title Gastric Cancer Due to Helicobacter pylori-Associated Gastritis : Finding from Ten Year Follow-up Study
Author Kimihiko Yanaoka Second Department of Internal Medicine, Wakayama Medical University
Author Chizu Mukoubayashi Wakayama Wellness Foundation
Author Mikitaka Iguchi Second Department of Internal Medicine, Wakayama Medical University
Author Masashi Oka Second Department of Internal Medicine, Wakayama Medical University
Author Osamu Mohara Wakayama Wellness Foundation
Author Masao Ichinose Second Department of Internal Medicine, Wakayama Medical University
[ Summary ] 5,209 asymptomatic, middle-aged male subjects, whose serum pepsinogen (PG) and anti-H. pylori antibody levels had been assessed, were followed for 10 years. Subjects with positive serum anti-H. pylori antibodies (> 50 U/ml) had an increased cancer risk (HR=3.48, 95% CI=1.26-9.64). Cancer development increased as serum antibody levels increased; the H. pylori-positive group with antibody levels > 500 U/ml had the highest incidence rate (325/100,000 person-years). Cancer development also increased with reduced serum PG I levels or reduced PG I/II ratios; the risk was significantly elevated with serum PG I levels of ≤30 μg/l (HR=3.54, 95% CI=1.95-6.40) or PG I/II ratios of ≤3.0 (HR=4.25, 95% CI=2.47-7.32). Furthermore, the risk of diffuse-type cancer increased as PG II levels increased. Risk was significantly elevated with PG II levels of ≥30 μg/l (HR=3.81, 95% CI=1.10-13.21). Using anti-H. pylori antibody levels and PG levels, subgroups with especially high or low cancer incidence rates were identified. H. pylori-negative or indeterminate subjects with low PG levels of (PG I ≤30 μg/l or PG I/II ratio ≤2.0) or H. pylori-positive subjects with antibody levels >500 U/ml, as well as those with low PG levels who were among the subgroups with high cancer incidence rates (over 400/100,000 person-years). In contrast, H. pylori-negative subjects with a PG I level >70 μg/l or a PG I/II ratio>3.0 had the lowest risk; none of these developed cancer. Thus, serum PG levels and/or anti-H. pylori antibody levels can be used to formulate a long-term prognosis of cancer development in individuals with H. pylori-related gastritis.