臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.2(2-2)

特集名 肛門にまつわる諸問題
題名 内視鏡的治療時の穿孔と対策 (2) 胃
発刊年月 2010年 02月
著者 本間 清明 山形県・酒田市病院機構日本海総合病院治療内視鏡科
著者 須賀 俊博 山形県・酒田市病院機構日本海総合病院治療内視鏡科
著者 今泉 和臣 酒田医療センター消化器科
著者 橋爪 英二 山形県・酒田市病院機構日本海総合病院外科
著者 栗谷 義樹 山形県・酒田市病院機構日本海総合病院外科
【 要旨 】 胃ESDに伴う穿孔の発症頻度は,おおむね5%弱程度と報告されている.他臓器の穿孔に比して保存的処置で軽快することが多く軽視されがちであるが,重症化例も報告されており,施行件数が増加するなかで留意をもっとも払うべき偶発症の一つである.
Theme Perforation and it's Management in Endoscopy
Title Perforations Due to Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection for Gastric Tumors and Treatment to Avoid Occurrence
Author Kiyoaki Homma Department of Therapeutic Endoscopy, Nihonkai General Hospital
Author Toshihiro Suga Department of Therapeutic Endoscopy, Nihonkai General Hospital
Author Kazuomi Imaizumi Department of Gastroenterology, Sakata Medical Center
Author Eiji Hashizume Department of Surgery, Nihonkai General Hospital
Author Yoshiki Kuriya Department of Surgery, Nihonkai General Hospital
[ Summary ] The rate of perforations during endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD) for gastric tumors has been reported to be under 5%. These complications were not considered to be serious and were treated with physical procedures only.
However, critical cases have been reported occasionally. Perforation should be avoided during ESD treatment through careful operation of equipment.
Suturing with clips and endoscopic systems supplying CO2 are effective measures to prevent perforations. Abdomens filled with gas leaking from perforations may also be treated with centesis. A system to provide care after ESD perforation should be formulated by surgeons. Endoscopists should always develop close relationships with surgeons. The surgical procedures should be conducted without hesitation if peritonitis can not be controlled in localized areas.
Attention must be paid to avoid perforations during ESD treatment. On the other hand, the preparations for their occurrence should always be made.