臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.2(1-1)

特集名 内視鏡時の穿孔と対応
題名 内視鏡挿入時の穿孔と対策 (1) 上部消化管
発刊年月 2010年 02月
著者 本村 廉明 麻生飯塚病院消化器内科
著者 赤星 和也 麻生飯塚病院消化器内科
著者 樋口 奈緒美 麻生飯塚病院消化器内科
著者 久保川 賢 麻生飯塚病院消化器内科
【 要旨 】 内視鏡挿入時の上部消化管穿孔は,ある一定の頻度で起こりうる重篤な偶発症である.梨状陥凹や食道入口部直上,あるいは十二指腸下行脚挿入時に起こりやすい.発生要因としては,術者,患者側,内視鏡機器の問題などがあるが,検査前の患者ケアや機器のチェック,また愛護的な挿入を心がけることで,そのリスクを減らすことができる.検査中異常を感じた場合には穿孔の可能性を考慮すべきであり,穿孔発生時には速やかに冷静に治療にあたり,誠意をもって患者や家族に対応することが大切である.内視鏡的クリッピング縫縮などで保存的に治療可能な場合もあるが,外科的治療を要することも多く,治療のタイミングを誤らないことが重要である.
Theme Perforation and it's Management in Endoscopy
Title Iatrogenic Perforations of Upper Gastrointestinal Tract during Insertion of Endoscope : Diagnosis and Management
Author Yasuaki Motomura Department of Gastroenterology, Aso Iizuka Hospital
Author Kazuya Akahoshi Department of Gastroenterology, Aso Iizuka Hospital
Author Naomi Higuchi Department of Gastroenterology, Aso Iizuka Hospital
Author Masaru Kubokawa Department of Gastroenterology, Aso Iizuka Hospital
[ Summary ] Iatrogenic upper gastrointestinal perforations during insertion of endoscopes are one of the most serious complications of endoscopic examinations. This complication occures at well determined rates. It may happen in the hypopharynx or the cervical esophagus. It can also occur in the second portion of the duodenum during ERCP. Several factors such as the endoscopist's skill level, patient related issues, and trouble with endoscopic instruments may be involved in the occurrence of iatrogenic perforation. The most important factor to avoid this complication is gentle manipulation of the endoscope. Easing the tension of patients and checking endoscopic instruments prior to examinations can also reduce the risk of perforations. Endoscopists should be careful not to miss signs of perforation during the examinations. Early diagnosis and adequate management is required to improve prognoses. Informed consent including mention of the risk of perforation prior to examinations and detailed examination of patients when perforation occurs is indispensable. Conservative treatment consisting of antibiotics and parental nutrition with or without endoscopic repair of the perforation, using hemoclips may be effective for limited injuries and minimal contamination. Surgical management with drainage is however the treatment of choice.