臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.13(11)

特集名 消化性潰瘍診療ガイドラインを臨床にどのように生かすか
題名 日本人と欧米人の差をどのように解釈するのか
発刊年月 2010年 12月
【 要旨 】 海外の臨床試験データを国内に受け入れる際に,問題となる要因のことを,民族的要因と呼ぶ.消化性潰瘍では,CYP2C19遺伝子多型,体重などを内因性民族的要因として,Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori),内視鏡の技術水準,食事,医療保険制度,nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug(NSAID)の種類および常用量などを外因性民族的要因として考慮しなければならない.診断,治療,予防それぞれに対して,これらの要因が複雑に関係するため,欧米人のデータをそのまま日本人に外挿することは困難であるが,海外のデータを大きく否定するまでの要因はない.日本人と欧米人の民族的要因の差を理解すれば,海外臨床試験データは参考になりうるものの,今後は国内でレベルの高いデザインの臨床研究が望まれる.
Theme Review of New Japanese Guideline for Peptic Ulcer Treatment
Title Comparing Western Countries' Peptic Ulcer Clinical Data to Japanese Data
[ Summary ] Ethnic factors are defined as those factors relating to the genetic and physiologic (intrinsic) as well as cultural and environmental (extrinsic) characteristics of a population. It is important to consider intrinsic factors such as the morphorism of CYP2C19 or weight, and extrinsic factors such as H. pylori, endoscopic skill level, food, medical insurance systems, or NSAID dosage. This must be done in differences between order to extrapolate foreign clinical data concerning peptic ulcers to those in Japan. Various ethnic factors influence diagnosis, therapies, and means of prevention. It is difficult to extrapolate all the data without modifying our analysis. If we interpret the differences concerning ethnic factors well enough, Western data may be helpful in developing means of clinical peptic ulcer management. Well-controlled and well-designed clinical research will be necessary in Japan.