臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.11(2-2-5)

特集名 急性肝障害―薬物性肝障害とウイルス肝炎
題名 急性肝障害を起こす疾患 (2) ウイルス性急性肝障害とその治療 e.その他のウイルス性肝障害
発刊年月 2010年 10月
著者 橋本 直明 東京逓信病院消化器科
著者 光井 洋 東京逓信病院消化器科
著者 関川 憲一郎 東京逓信病院消化器科
著者 小林 克也 東京逓信病院消化器科
著者 大久保 政雄 東京逓信病院消化器科
著者 米山 彰子 虎の門病院臨床感染症科
【 要旨 】 肝炎ウイルス以外に肝障害をきたすウイルスに,EBウイルス(EBV;Epstein-Barr virus),サイトメガロウイルス(CMV;cytomegalovirus),単純ヘルペスウイルス(HSV;herpes simplex virus),パルボウイルス,風疹ウイルス,麻疹ウイルスなどがある.これらはそれぞれに特徴ある症候を呈し,IgM型抗体やウイルス遺伝子の検出が診断の決め手となる.また,肝炎の5大原因のうち他の四つ(肝炎ウイルス,薬物,アルコール,自己免疫)を鑑別除外し,肝炎以外でトランスアミナーゼの上昇する,脂肪肝やうっ血なども除外する.検査所見ではトランスアミナーゼに比してLDHが高い.肝生検組織では,非特異的変化,軽度の巣状壊死,急性肝炎回復期などの所見が多い.
Theme Acute Liver Injury : Drug-induced and Viral Liver Injuries
Title Acute Liver Injury Associated with Various Viral Infections Other than Hepatitis Viruses
Author Naoaki Hashimoto Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital
Author Hiroshi Mitsui Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital
Author Kenichiro Sekigawa Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital
Author Katsuya Kobayashi Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital
Author Masao Okubo Department of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Teishin Hospital
Author Akiko Yoneyama Department of Infectious Disease, Toranomon Hospital
[ Summary ] Acute liver injury is associated with infection by various viruses other than hepatitis viruses. These include the Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, human herpes virus type 6, parvovirus B-19, rubella virus, measles virus, varicella-zoster virus, human immunodeficiency virus, and so on. Each viral infection is characterized by unique clinical manifestations, and is diagnosed with elevated titers of specific IgM type antibodies and also by detection of a viral genome in the blood. Laboratory data will indicate increased levels of serum lactate dehydrogenase, compared with those of transaminases, as the common feature of liver injury associated with infection of these viruses. Mononucleosis in the peripheral blood, including the presence of atypical lymphocytes, is another feature commonly observed. Histological examination of liver biopsy specimens demonstrates relatively mild findings such as non-specific changes, mild focal necrosis, or the recovery phase of acute hepatitis. In clinical practice, exclusion of other causes of liver injury is also important. Four out of five causes of hepatitis, such as hepatitis viruses, drugs, alcohol, or autoimmune conditions, must be ruled out. Other causes contributing to elevated transaminase levels, such as fatty liver or congestion, should also be ruled out.