臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.11(2-2-4)

特集名 急性肝障害―薬物性肝障害とウイルス肝炎
題名 急性肝障害を起こす疾患 (2) ウイルス性急性肝障害とその治療 d.E型肝炎
発刊年月 2010年 10月
著者 姜 貞憲 手稲渓仁会病院消化器病センター
【 要旨 】 国内発症E型肝炎は東日本,中高年,男性により多く発症する孤発性急性肝炎であり,人獣共通感染を背景とした感染経路が想定されている.診断は,肝炎急性期におけるHEV RNA血症または抗HEV抗体陽性による.E型急性肝炎の重症化頻度はB型急性肝炎のそれに匹敵し,HEV genotype 4,高齢,慢性肝疾患既往が重症化に関連する.ほかの肝炎ウイルスによる急性肝炎と同様に,重症例における至適な治療方法は未だ定まったものがなく,今後検討が必要である.
Theme Acute Liver Injury : Drug-induced and Viral Liver Injuries
Title Diagnosis and Treatment of Hepatitis E
Author Jong-Hon Kang Center for Gastroenterology, Teine Keijinkai Hospital
[ Summary ] The incidence of acute hepatitis E in Japan, has been recognized to be closely related with middle aged or older males who reside in the North Eastern area of the country. Zoonotic food-borne manner is thought to be peculiar transmission route for indigenous hepatitis E virus (HEV). Diagnosis of acute HEV infection is based on viremia confirmed with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or detection of anti HEV in early sera samples. The incidence of fulminant progression of hepatitis may be comparable to that observed in acute hepatitis B. Genotype 4 and advanced age, as well as the existence of background liver disease before HEV infection, are regarded as factors which correlate with serious progression. An optimal treatment for hepatitis E with acute hepatic failure has not yet been developed.