臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.11(2-1-3)

特集名 急性肝障害―薬物性肝障害とウイルス肝炎
題名 急性肝障害を起こす疾患 (1) 薬物性肝障害 c.わが国における薬物性劇症肝炎,LOHFの実態
発刊年月 2010年 10月
著者 持田 智 埼玉医科大学消化器内科・肝臓内科
【 要旨 】 わが国の劇症肝炎,遅発性肝不全(LOHF)は生活習慣病,悪性腫瘍など基礎疾患を有する症例が増加しており,その大部分は薬物が投与されている.薬物歴を有する患者の比率は劇症肝炎急性型42%,亜急性型53%,LOHF 57%であるが,臨床経過ないしリンパ球刺激試験によって成因が薬物性と診断された症例は全体の11%であり,病型別では急性型8%,亜急性型13%,LOHF 18%であった.原因薬物としては2003年以降,健康食品やサプリメントが増加する傾向がある.なお,薬物性症例の内科的治療での救命率は急性型61%,亜急性型27%,LOHF 0%であり,病型と予後の関連は成因不明例とほぼ同等であった.artificial neural networkを利用した解析でも,成因不明例と薬物性は同一のクラスターに分類される症例が多い.また,成因不明例でも薬物内服歴を有する頻度が高率であることを考慮すると,そのなかにも薬物性症例が含まれている可能性がある.
Theme Acute Liver Injury : Drug-induced and Viral Liver Injuries
Title Drug-induced Fulminant Hepatitis and LOHF in Japan
Author Satoshi Mochida Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Saitama Medical University
[ Summary ] A nationwide survey revealed that complications such as metabolic syndrome and malignancies were underling factors for most patients with fulminant hepatitis and LOHF in Japan. These patients had received daily medications. The frequencies of administration were 42 % and 53 %, respectively, in acute and subacute types of fulminant hepatitis and 57% for LOHF. However, the number of patients for whom the etiology of liver failure was determined to be drugs-induced liver injury, determined through clinical courses and by D-LST, was lower. The ratios of patients were 8 % of the acute type, 13 % of the subacute type and 18 % of the LOHF. Health foods, such as supplements, were frequently found to be causative agents inducing liver injuries from 2003 on. The survival rates for patients receiving therapies other than liver transplantation were 61 % and 27 %, respectively for acute and subacute types of fulminant hepatitis and 0 % for LOHF. These ratios were almost identical to those observed in patients with indeterminate etiology. A large number of patients with indeterminate etiology were classified into clusters similar to those with drug-induced liver injury. In accordance with clustering analysis performed with an artificial neural network, drug-induced liver injury may prevail as the etiology of liver failure even in patients for whom an etiology is not identified.