臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.10(1)

特集名 下部消化管の前癌病変,高発癌状態をめぐって
題名 Adenoma-carcinoma sequenceをめぐって
発刊年月 2010年 09月
著者 五十嵐 正広 癌研有明病院内視鏡診療部
著者 千野 晶子 癌研有明病院内視鏡診療部
著者 岸原 輝仁 癌研有明病院内視鏡診療部
著者 岸 遂成 癌研有明病院内視鏡診療部
著者 浦上 尚之 癌研有明病院内視鏡診療部
【 要旨 】 大腸癌にはadenoma-carcinoma sequence癌とde novo癌があるが,そのメインルートに関して結論は出ていない.今回は,adenoma-carcinoma sequence癌の診断と治療法を中心に述べた.adenoma-carcinoma sequence癌の診断は,腺腫成分の存在を診断することである.その多くは隆起型癌(Ip,Isp,Is,LST-Gなど)であり,診断は色素撒布やNBI,拡大観察を併用することで可能となる.また,de novo癌は,表面型で陥凹を有する病変(IIc,IIc+IIa,Is+IIc,LST-NGなど)が主で腺腫を伴わない.治療は,深達度診断が重要で,内視鏡的治療は大腸癌治療ガイドラインに準じM癌とSM癌の一部(粘膜筋板より1,000μm以内)までであるが,Ip型のSM癌ではhead invasionは内視鏡治療のみでよくstalk invasion例は手術が必要となる.
Theme Precancerous Conditions and Cancer High-risk Lesions in the Colorectum
Title Adenoma-carcinoma Sequence
Author Masahiro Igarashi Endoscopy Division, Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital
Author Akiko Chino Endoscopy Division, Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital
Author Teruhito Kishihara Endoscopy Division, Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital
Author Tadanori Kishi Endoscopy Division, Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital
Author Naoyuki Uragami Endoscopy Division, Cancer Institute Ariake Hospital
[ Summary ] There are two theories concerning colorectal cancer development, one in regard to the adenoma-carcinoma sequence the other in regard to de novo pathways. However, a primary cause has not been established. We primarily discuss means to diagnoses and treat colorectal cancer in relation to the adenoma-carcinoma sequence. Carcinoma may be diagnosed in association with adenoma. The most common colorectal carcinomas include the protruded type, i. e. Ⅰp, Ⅰsp, Ⅰs and LST-G lesions. Diagnosis was made possible by using the dye spraying method and NBI with magnifying observation. On the other hand, de novo cancers may be grouped with types IIc, IIc+IIa, Is+IIc and LST-NG, which were not associated with adenoma. The treatment of cancers related to the adenoma-carcinoma sequence was carried out using the guidelines of the Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum. Endoscopic resection was indicated for head invasion of I p type SM cancer. Surgical treatment was selected for stalk invasion of I p type SM cancers.