臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.1(4-4)

特集名 肛門にまつわる諸問題
題名 肛門の良性疾患 (4) 直腸脱
発刊年月 2010年 01月
著者 山名 哲郎 社会保険中央総合病院大腸肛門病センター
【 要旨 】 直腸脱は肛門の良性疾患の一つであり,直腸の重積が主たる成因と考えられている.一般に高齢者の女性に多くみられるが,若年成人や小児にも発症する.症状は直腸の脱出のほかに粘液の漏出,出血,便失禁,便秘を訴える場合が多い.高齢者では肛門括約筋機能が低下していることが多く,若年成人では便秘が背景にある場合が多い.診断は診察台またはトイレで怒責させて直腸の脱出を再現することで確定する.治療は外科的治療が原則であり,経肛門的術式と経腹的術式のなかから年齢や手術リスクを考慮して適切な術式を選択する.ほかの骨盤臓器脱を伴う場合は同時に手術することも可能である.
Theme Current Topics Relating to the Anus
Title Benign Anal Disorders Rectal Prolapse
Author Tetsuo Yamana Department of Proctology, Social Health Insurance Hospital
[ Summary ] Rectal prolapse is a common benign anorectal disorder. There is a much higher incidence of this condition in women than in men, and there is a particular correlation with age. Rectal intussusception is currently considered to be the primary etiology related to this condition, rather than sliding hernias. The typical symptoms are prolapse, mucous discharge, bleeding, fecal incontinence, and severe constipation. Diagnosis can be made by confirming prolapse on the examination table or on a toilet. Defecography is indicated ifassociated pelvic floor disorders need to be investigated. Surgical treatment is indicated in most cases to control prolapse. There are perineal and abdominal procedures available for treatment. The Gant-Miwa-Thiersch procedure is most frequently performed in Japan. Other common perineal procedures include the Délorme procedure and the Altemeier procedure. The PPH procedure and the ALTA procedure may be indicated if there is incomplete rectal prolapse or mucosal prolapse. Abdominal procedures can be performed with open or laparoscopic approaches. Optimal procedures should be selected based on the patient's condition. Concomitant pelvic organ prolapse in other regions can be surgically treated at the same time as the previously mentioned conditions.