臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.1(4-1)

特集名 肛門にまつわる諸問題
題名 肛門の良性疾患 (1) 痔核に対する最新の治療
発刊年月 2010年 01月
著者 山腰 英紀 港北肛門クリニック
【 要旨 】 痔核は,大きく内痔核と外痔核に分類される.原則的に内痔核の治療は,Goligher分類で 1~2度の軽度なものは保存的療法が中心となり,3~4度では根治的な手術療法を行う.その他の治療法として,一般的にゴム輪結紮療法,硬化療法が広く行われてきた.近年ではALTA注やPPHという治療法も行われるようになってきている.それぞれ治療法に精通し,病状を正確に診断したうえで,適切な治療法を選択しなければならない.外痔核は,保存的に治療できるが,疼痛が強い場合や硬く大きく治癒に時間がかかる場合は血栓除去術を行う.特殊な状態である嵌頓痔核は,保存的療法でも軽快するが,疼痛が強い場合などは手術療法を行う.
Theme Current Topics Relating to the Anus
Title Management of Hemorrhoidal Diseases
Author Hideki Yamakoshi Kohoku Proctology Clinic
[ Summary ] Hemorrhoidal diseases are classified into the categories of internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids have traditionally been divided into four degrees, depending on the extent of prolapse. The first degree consists of those which do not descend out of the anal canal on straining. The second degree consists of those which protrude out of the anal canal on straining and return into the anal canal again immediately after straining. The third degree consists of those which descend to the exterior only on straining or defecation and are able to be replaced digitally into the anal canal. The fourth degree consists of those which are permanently outside the anal verge, and can not be replaced into the anal canal. According to the principles of internal hemorrhoid management, first and second degree hemorrhoids are treated with conservative therapies using suppositories or ointments, oral administration of vasotopic drugs, and by modifying defecation habits. The operations of hemorrohoidectomy, should be performed for third and fourth degree conditions. Other treatments including sclerotherapy and rubber-band ligation have been popular for a considerable time. Recently, new treatments consisting of ALTA injection therapy and stapled hemorrhoidopexy using a circular stapler (PPH) have gradually come into use. External piles are treated with conservative therapy, in principle. However, in cases with the presence of severe pain or much larger piles, the operation, to evacuate clots, should be performed.