臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.1(3)

特集名 肛門にまつわる諸問題
題名 肛門の悪性疾患 -- 肛門癌の診断と治療
発刊年月 2010年 01月
著者 唐澤 克之 がん・感染症センター都立駒込病院放射線科
【 要旨 】 肛門癌は扁平上皮癌が多く,放射線感受性が高い.まれであるが,最近発生頻度が増えている.欧米では20年以前から肛門扁平上皮癌の標準治療は,肛門の温存できる化学放射線療法であったが,日本で本格的に化学放射線療法が行われ出したのは,一部の施設を除いてここ数年であるにすぎない.化学療法の標準レジメンは5-FUとmitomycin Cで,放射線治療55~60Gyと同時併用する.化学放射線療法の5年生存率は,50~80%とされ,肛門温存率は約70%である.再発形式は局所再発が主体である.このため,治療後も綿密に経過観察を行って,再発した場合には救済手術にもちこめるようにすることが望ましい.肛門扁平上皮癌の治療はQOLの点からも,手術より化学放射線療法が望ましい.
Theme Current Topics Relating to the Anus
Title Diagnosis and Treatment of Anal Cancer
Author Katsuyuki Karasawa Department of Radiology, Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center Komagome Hospital
[ Summary ] Approximately 80% of anal canal cancers in our study were squamous cell type and thus radiosensitive compared to rectal adenocarcinoma. Incidence of this condition is low, but has increased recently. Roughly 80% of anal canal cancer is confined within the pelvis when diagnosed. Concerning the prognostic factors for this condition, tumor size, lymph node metastasis, and the HPV infection affect prognoses. In Western countries the treatment of choice for squamous cell anal canal cancer has been chemoradiotherapy for the past 20 years because it provides sphincter preservation. On the other hand, in Japan, until quite recently, surgery has been the treatment of choice. The chemotherapeutic regimen of choice has been 5-FU+ Mitomycin C concurrently with 55 Gy to 60 Gy of irradiation. Five-year survival rates have been 50 to 80%, and anal sphinchter preservation rates have been around 70%. In relation to acute toxicity, intestinal and genital skin toxicity are quite common. However, late onset toxicity is infrequent. Patterns of failure are primarily local and thus salvage surgery, whenever possible, is indicated. To improve therapeutic ratios, sophisticated radiotherapy techniques, such as intensity modulated radiation therapy, and newer chemotherapeutic drugs, such as S-1, have been tested with some promising results. Chemoradiotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal is promising, providing good survival rates, good quality of life and acceptable levels of toxicity.