臨牀消化器内科 Vol.25 No.1(2-4)

特集名 肛門にまつわる諸問題
題名 直腸癌手術における肛門温存 (4) 肛門温存の適応―適応拡大の立場から
発刊年月 2010年 01月
著者 衣笠 哲史 久留米大学医学部外科学講座
著者 赤木 由人 久留米大学医学部外科学講座
著者 石橋 生哉 久留米大学医学部外科学講座
著者 白水 和雄 久留米大学医学部外科学講座
【 要旨 】 肛門にきわめて近い下部直腸・肛門管癌に対し,当教室では2001年より永久的人工肛門造設をせずに括約筋切除肛門温存術〔intersphincteric resection (ISR) や external sphincteric resection(ESR)〕など,肛門温存を目的とした手術術式を行ってきた.当教室でのISR・ESRの適応は,腫瘍下縁が肛門縁より4cm未満の下部直腸癌や肛門管癌で,高~中分化腺癌としている.治療成績は5年健存率がISR 74.8%,ESR 84.4%,5年生存率はISR 83.8%,ESR 100%であり,同様の背景因子での低位前方切除術などの症例と比較しても遜色がなかった.術後の肛門機能は良好であった.これらの結果から,肛門温存術は患者の期待に応えうる術式と考えられた.
Theme Current Topics Relating to the Anus
Title Intersphincteric Resection (ISR), and External Sphincteric Resection (ESR) in Patients with Extremely Low Rectal Cancer or Anal Canal Cancer
Author Tetsushi Kinugasa Department of Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Yoshito Akagi Department of Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Nobuya Ishibashi Department of Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine
Author Kazuo Shirouzu Department of Surgery, Kurume University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] To avoid permanent colostomies, we performed anus preserving operations for extremely low rectal cancer or anal canal cancer. Based on our previous pathological study, two different operative methods were performed. One is intersphincteric resection (ISR), and the other is external sphincteric resection (ESR). Since 2001, these operations have been performed on patients with rectal cancer located lower than 4cm from the anal verge and with well to moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma. Five-year overall and disease-free survival rates for ISR patients were 83.8 percent and 74.8 percent, respectively. Five-year overall and disease-free survival rates for ESR patients were 100 percent and 84.4 percent, respectively. In relation to functional evaluations one year after ileostoma closure, most patients had a good levels of continence, regardless of operative methods. Both oncologic curability and functional outcomes are acceptable by employing these procedures in patients with extremely low rectal cancer or anal canal cancer. ISR and ESR are excellent procedures for the treatment of low rectal cancer and anal canal cancer extremely near the anus.