臨牀消化器内科 Vol.24 No.8(1-2)

特集名 消化管出血 -- 最近の話題
題名 総論 (2) 消化管出血に対するストラテジー
発刊年月 2009年 07月
著者 長屋 匡信 信州大学医学部消化器内科
著者 赤松 泰次 信州大学附属病院内視鏡診療部
【 要旨 】 消化管出血を認める患者に対しては,まずバイタルサインのチェックと血管確保を行う.ショックを認める場合には複数の医療スタッフを招集し,輸血や昇圧剤の投与を行ってバイタルサインの安定に努める.同時に,可能なかぎり多くの情報を収集する.バイタルサインが不安定な状態で内視鏡を行うのはきわめて危険である.バイタルサインが安定していれば十分なインフォームド・コンセントを得た後,緊急内視鏡を行って出血源の同定と止血操作を行う.(1)出血部位が同定できない,(2)内視鏡的止血術が困難,(3)小腸出血が疑われる場合には内視鏡に固執せず適切な手段を選択する.もっとも重要なことは,上手く止血を行うことではなく,患者の救命である.
Theme Topics of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
Title Strategy for Management of Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage
Author Tadanobu Nagaya Department of Internal Medicine,Gastroenterology,Shinshu University School of Medicine
Author Taiji Akamatsu Department of Endoscopy,Shinshu University Hospital
[ Summary ] Gastrointestinal bleeding is a common condition seen in routine medical practice. When we encounter patients complaining of hematomesis and/or melena, as well as hematochezia, we must examine their vital signs and must insert an indwelling catheter into a blood vessel at the outset. If the patient has been judged to be in hemorrhagic shock, we should gather all relevant medical staff members and treat unstable conditions using blood transfusion and/or vasopressors. Furthermore, we must obtain medical information about the patient. It is very risky to perform endoscopies on patients in unstable general conditions. After adequate informed consent is obtained, we should perform emergent endoscopy to diagnose the cause of bleeding and to carry out endoscopic hemosatic procedures. We should choose the most suitable procedure such as multidetector CT scans, interventional radiology, capsule endoscopy, or balloon enteroscopy. Surgical procedures should be carried out according to the patient's medical condition and the facilities available in the institution. This should be done in the following situations : 1. bleeding point has not been detected, 2. endoscopic hematosatic procedures are not successful,or 3. when thought that hemorrhagic lesions might be encountered in exiting the jejunum or ileum. The mostimportant matter is not stopping the bleeding skillfully,but saving the life of the patient.