臨牀消化器内科 Vol.24 No.5(5)

特集名 GERDの臨床 -- 最近の進歩
題名 胃酸逆流のメカニズム
発刊年月 2009年 05月
著者 岩切 勝彦 日本医科大学消化器内科
著者 川見 典之 日本医科大学消化器内科
著者 佐野 弘仁 日本医科大学消化器内科
著者 田中 由理子 日本医科大学消化器内科
著者 梅澤 まり子 日本医科大学消化器内科
著者 琴寄 誠 日本医科大学消化器内科
著者 星原 芳雄 日本医科大学消化器内科
著者 坂本 長逸 日本医科大学消化器内科
【 要旨 】 胃酸逆流の重要な三つのメカニズムは,(1)一過性LES弛緩に伴う胃酸逆流,LES圧低値により発生する (2)free reflux,(3)strainrefluxである.健常者,軽症逆流性食道炎患者における胃酸逆流のほとんどは,一過性LES弛緩時に発生する.一過性LES弛緩とは,嚥下とは関係なく発生するLES弛緩であり,おくび(ゲップ)のメカニズムでもある.一過性LES弛緩時には,必ずしも胃酸逆流を伴うわけではない.重症逆流性食道炎患者での胃酸逆流のおもなメカニズムも一過性LES弛緩であるが,重症逆流性食道炎患者では,少数回ではあるが,LES圧低値による胃酸逆流もみられる.以上より,一過性LES弛緩が,健常者,軽症,重症逆流性食道炎患者における胃酸逆流のもっとも重要なメカニズムである.
Theme GERD -- Recent Clinical Advances
Title Mechanisms of Acid Reflux in Healthy Subjects and Patients with Reflux Esophagitis
Author Katsuhiko Iwakiri Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
Author Noriyuki Kawami Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
Author Hirohito Sano Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
Author Yuriko Tanaka Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
Author Mariko Umesawa Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
Author Makoto Kotoyori Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
Author Yoshio Hoshihara Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
Author Chouitsu Sakamoto Department of Gastroenterology, Nippon Medical School
[ Summary ] Transient lower esophageal sphincter relaxation(TLESR),i.e. lower esophageal sphincter(LES) relaxation not induced by swallowing, is the major mechanism underlying acid reflux both in healthy subjects and in patients with reflux esophagitis(RE). Our study on the mechanisms underlying acid reflux showed that nearly 100% of acid reflux episodes are associated with TLESRs in healthy subjects and patients with mild RE. In patients with severe RE, TLESRs are also the most important mechanism associated with acid reflux episodes. Approximately 80% (median) of acid reflux episodes are related to TLESRs.
Even though TLESRs are the major mechanism causing acid reflux episodes, low LES pressure is also an important mechanism. In the presence of low LES pressure, acid reflux is thought to occur either with free flows from the stomach into the esophagus (free reflux) or during periods of abdominal strain (strain reflux). Prolonged monitoring of patterns of LES pressure has shown that defective basal LES pressure is responsible for only a small number of acid reflux episodes. This mechanism appears to be confined mostly to patients with severe RE.