臨牀消化器内科 Vol.24 No.5(4)

特集名 GERDの臨床 -- 最近の進歩
題名 Non-erosive reflux disease(NERD)の臨床
発刊年月 2009年 05月
著者 羽生 泰樹 大阪府済生会野江病院消化器科
著者 久恒 洋 大阪府済生会野江病院消化器科
著者 熊本 倫子 大阪府済生会野江病院消化器科
著者 栗島 亜希子 大阪府済生会野江病院消化器科
著者 水野 成人 神戸薬科大学医療薬学研究室
著者 川井 啓市 消化器クリニカルアウトカム研究会
【 要旨 】 非びらん性逆流症(non-erosive reflux disease;NERD)は,逆流症状があり健康な生活が障害されるにもかかわらず食道にびらんを認めない疾患である.NERDはびらん性胃食道逆流症(GERD)と比較して有病率はより高く,疫学背景も異なる集団である.病因も,胃酸の逆流のみならず,酸以外の逆流も関与しており,臨床的には逆流現象を伴わない症例との区別が困難な場合も多い.診断には病歴聴取と内視鏡検査が必要であるが,病態の解析には種々の検査が行われる.治療についてはプロトンポンプ阻害薬が第一選択であるが,有効性はびらん性GERDの場合より,やや低い.無効例では,推定される病態により種々の治療が試みられる.
Theme GERD -- Recent Clinical Advances
Title Non-erosive Reflux Disease: Current Concepts and Clinical Implications
Author Yasuki Habu Department of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai-Noe Hospital
Author Hiroshi Hisatsune Department of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai-Noe Hospital
Author Noriko Kumamoto Department of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai-Noe Hospital
Author Akiko Kurishima Department of Gastroenterology, Saiseikai-Noe Hospital
Author Shigeto Mizuno Department of Medical Pharmaceutics, Kobe Pharmaceutical University
Author Keiichi Kawai Digestive Clinical Outcomes Research Group
[ Summary ] Non-erosive reflux disease(NERD) is defined as a condition which has troublesome reflux-related symptoms without evidence of erosive changes in the lower esophageal mucosa. Putative mechanisms for this disease include not only acid reflux, but also weak acid reflux, non-acid reflux, visceral hypersensitivity or exaggerated perception. In many cases, reflux testing is not available to practicing physicians. Therefore, the differentiation of true reflux disease from motility disorders or functional heartburn in all patients who have reflux-like symptoms without erosive changes in endoscopy is difficult. Acid suppressive therapy with proton pump inhibitors(PPIs) is the first line of treatment for both erosive and non-erosive reflux disease(NERD). However, patients with NERD are significantly less likely than patients with erosive disease to achieve symptomatic responses with PPIs. Therapeutic approaches for PPI failure remains an area of controversy. Pharmaco-therapy such as adding H-2 receptor antagonists at bedtime or the use of pain modulators including antidepressants might be considered. Antireflux surgery should be offered only to carefully selected patients with clear documentation of symptoms associated with reflux using pH monitoring or multichannel intraluminal impedance-pH(MII-pH) monitoring.