臨牀消化器内科 Vol.24 No.5(3)

特集名 GERDの臨床 -- 最近の進歩
題名 GERDの診療における問診票の評価
発刊年月 2009年 05月
著者 宮本 真樹 県立広島病院総合診療科
著者 春間 賢 川崎医科大学食道胃腸内科
【 要旨 】 GERDの半数以上は,逆流性食道炎を呈さず,内視鏡のみでは診断できない.そのため,ほかの消化器疾患に比べ,より詳細な問診が必要だが,実地診療には時間的制約がある.問診票を活用することは,自覚症状を的確に捉える手段として有効である.QUEST問診票は,胸やけなどの逆流症状や増悪因子について,18点満点中4点以上でGERDと判定するが,採点方法は必ずしも容易でない.一方,Fスケール問診票は,12項目の頻度(5段階評価)を単純加算し,8点以上でGERDと判定でき,きわめて簡便である.治療効果判定,治療方針決定(PPI抵抗例への消化管運動調節薬追加)にも有用であり,Fスケール問診票のさらなる普及が望まれる.
Theme GERD -- Recent Clinical Advances
Title Evaluation of GERD Specific Questionnaires: QUEST and FSSG(F Scale)
Author Masaki Miyamoto Depatrment of Gastroenterology, Hiroshima Prefectural Hiroshima Hospital
Author Ken Haruma Division of Gastroenterology, Department of Internal Medicine, Kawasaki Medical School
[ Summary ] No signs of reflux esophagitis are evident from endoscopies in over half of the patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease(GERD). Careful history taking and questionnaires are therefore particularly useful in screening for GERD. Recently, GERD symptom questionnaires such as the QUEST and the FSSG (frequency scale for the symptoms of GERD) have come into use for GERD screening and assessing treatment responses. The QUEST questionnaireis used for GERD screening world wide. Patients scoring four points or more on the QUEST are regarded as having GERD. However, scoring is complicated for clinicians and some questionsare difficult for patients to understand. On the other hand, the FSSG (developed in Japan) is easy for both patients and doctors to understand. The FSSG is comprised of 12 questions that cover not only acid symptoms but also dyspeptic (dysmotility) symptoms. Patients scoring 8 points or more on the FSSG are considered to have GERD. The FSSG provides useful information to make an initialdiagnoses of GERD, quantitative assessment of the effects of treatment, and determination of optimal treatment (e.g. addition of a prokinetic to proton pump inhibitor therapy). We anticipate further use of the FSSG in the future.