臨牀消化器内科 Vol.24 No.5(10)

特集名 GERDの臨床 -- 最近の進歩
題名 Barrett食道 -- 最近の考え方
発刊年月 2009年 05月
著者 時岡 聡 大阪医科大学第2内科
著者 梅垣 英次 大阪医科大学第2内科
著者 竹内 望 大阪医科大学第2内科
著者 竹内 利寿 大阪医科大学第2内科
著者 依田 有紀子 大阪医科大学第2内科
著者 樋口 和秀 大阪医科大学第2内科
【 要旨 】 近年,欧米では食道癌における腺癌の割合が扁平上皮癌の頻度をしのぎ,過半数を占めるようになってきている.本邦においても逆流性食道炎や胃食道逆流症(GERD)の発生頻度が上昇し,Bar-rett食道の増加が報告され,それに伴いBarrett食道腺癌の増加も懸念されている.Barrett食道を論ずるためには,まず扁平・円柱上皮接合部(squamo-columnarjunction;SCJ)を論ずる必要がある.日本食道疾患研究会のBarrett食道の定義決定委員会報告書によると,内視鏡的に下部食道に縦走する柵状血管網の下縁を食道胃境界としている.しかし,欧米では胃から口側に伸びるひだが収束する点をもって食道胃接合部(EGJ)とする報告が主流であり,本邦とは見解の相違がある.この根本的な問題は国際的にも未だ一致した見解を得ていないのが現状であり,今後,早期に解決するべきであると考える.
Theme GERD -- Recent Clinical Advances
Title Current Concepts Concerning Barrett's Esophagus
Author Satoshi Tokioka Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Eiji Umegaki Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Nozomi Takeuchi Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Toshihisa Takeuchi Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Yukiko Yoda Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
Author Kazuhide Higuchi Second Department of Internal Medicine, Osaka Medical College
[ Summary ] Barrett's esophagus was first recognized in 1950 by Norman Rupert Barrett, a British surgeon who reported on shortened esophagi and ectopic gastric mucosa accompaning stomachs with thorax as a special state for patients with ulcers. Tissue associated with Barrett's esophagus is substituted for consecutive columnar epithelia from squamous epithelium due to GERD. Recently, the ratio of adenocarcinoma associated with esophageal cancer has exceeded the frequency of squamous cell carcinoma in Western countries. In addition, a significant increase (more than 6 times) in esophageal cancer from Barrett's esophagus has been reported over the last 25 years. The frequency of reflux esophagitis and GERD has risen in Japan. The increase in Barrett's esophagus has been attributed to the westernization of eating habits, obesity and a decrease in Helicobacter pylori infection rates. In addition, there is concern over the increase in Barrett's cancer. Reported increases in adenocarcinoma incidence due to Barrett's esophagus have been as much as 0.5% a year. Therefore, we must recognize Barrett's esophageal lesions as precursors of adenocarcinoma. Current concepts concerning Barrett's esophagus are discussed.