臨牀消化器内科 Vol.24 No.4(7-2)

特集名 胃癌予防とリスクファクター
題名 ウィルスと胃癌 (2) EBウイルスと胃癌
発刊年月 2009年 04月
著者 瀬戸 絵理 Department of Gene Vectors, Helmholtz Center Munich
著者 高田 賢蔵 北海道大学遺伝子病制御研究所癌ウイルス分野
【 要旨 】 世界の胃癌症例のうち約10%がEBウイルス(EBV) 陽性胃癌である.胃癌生検の解析から,EBV感染細胞がモノクローナルに増殖して癌が形成されることがわかった.癌細胞内でEBVはウイルス産生のない潜伏感染状態を維持しており,ごく一部のウイルス遺伝子のみが発現している.われわれはin vitroでの胃上皮細胞へのEBV持続感染系を確立し,樹立したEBV感染クローンにおいて悪性形質の亢進がみられること,さらにEBV感染により胃初代上皮細胞が不死化することを明らかにした.本稿ではEBV感染による胃上皮細胞の悪性化およびEBV関連胃癌で発現しているウイルス遺伝子の機能について,現在までの知見を紹介する.
Theme Risk Factors and Prevention of Gastric Cancer
Title Epstein-Barr Virus and Gastric Carcinomas
Author Eri Seto Department of Gene Vectors, Helmholtz Center Munich
Author Kenzo Takada Department of Tumor Virology, Institute for Genetic Medicine, Hokkaido University
[ Summary ] The Epstein-Barr virus(EBV) is a DNA tumor virus, which is detected in 10% of all cases of gastric carcinoma(GC). Analysis of EBV-positive GC biopsies indicates that the carcinomas are formed by monoclonal proliferation of EBV-infected single cells. These findings suggest that EBV plays an important role in the development of EBV-positive GCs. EBV maintains latent infections in cancer cells, and the infected cells express only specific latent genes, such as EBV determined nuclear antigens(EBNA1), EBV-encoded small RNA (EBER), and BamHI-A rightward transcripts(BARTs). In some cases, latent membrane protein 2A(LMP2A) and BamHI-A rightward frame 1(BARFI) are also expressed. Epithelial cells are refractory to EBV infection in vitro. This has hampered the study of the role of EBV on epithelioid malignancies. We have overcome this difficulty through the use of recombinant EBV carrying a selectable marker gene, and have established in vitro models of EBV infection of epithelial cells. The established cell clones expressed EBV genes which were identical to those expressed in EBV-positive GCs, and showed accelerated malignant properties including increase of growth rate and growth in soft agarose. In addition, primary gastric epithelial cells were immortalized by EBV infection. Here in, we introduce our findings concerning the role of EBV on EBV-positive GC, and summarize recent reports on the functions of each EBV gene expressed in EBV-positive GCs. We also discuss the molecular mechanisms of EBV-mediated epithelioid malignancies.