臨牀消化器内科 Vol.24 No.10(4)

特集名 色素内視鏡を見直す -- 画像強調観察法との比較
題名 胃の色素内視鏡
発刊年月 2009年 09月
著者 上堂 文也 大阪府立成人病センター消化器内科
【 要旨 】 早期胃癌は形態や色調の変化に乏しいため,通常の内視鏡観察のみで発見することは,時に困難である.インジゴカルミン法は,粘膜に吸収されない青色のインジゴカルミンが粘膜の陥凹部にたまることで,病変の形態や粘膜表面の微細な凹凸を強調して観察する方法で,癌と周辺粘膜の表面構造の違いを強調し,癌の粘膜内の浸潤範囲や深達度診断に用いられる.メチレンブルー法は,腸上皮化生への色素の吸収を利用して,早期胃癌の広がりを不染域として診断される.内視鏡的コンゴーレッド・メチレンブルー法は,(1) メチレンブルー・コントラスト法による粘膜形態の変化,(2) 酸分泌領域(変色帯)内の酸分泌機能欠損領域(不変帯),(3) 不変帯内におけるメチレンブルー非染色域,(4) 癌表層の両色素が褪色された領域として早期胃癌を診断することができる.さらに近年一般臨床において実用・市販化され注目を浴びている狭帯域光法は,拡大内視鏡との併用で,早期胃癌を非癌粘膜と異なる上皮の表面構造と不整な微小血管が明瞭な境界(demarcation line)をもって領域性に存在することで診断できる.自家蛍光内視鏡は,励起光を照射した際に消化管組織中の蛍光物質から生じる自家蛍光を内視鏡下に捉え画像化する装置で,癌と非癌において異なる蛍光強度の差を内視鏡画像上の色調差として描出することが可能である.
Theme Re-thinking Chromoendoscopy
Title Dye-based and Equipment Based Image-enhanced Endoscopy for Diagnosis of Early Gastric Cancer
Author Noriya Uedo Department of Gastrointestinal Oncology, Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases
[ Summary ] Despite expanding knowledge concerning endoscopic features, the detection of early gastric cancer (EGC) during routine EGC remains difficult, because there are few morphologic changes. Dye-based image enhancement methods have been developed and widely used in Japan. 0.04-0.2% indigocarmine creates contrast images of the mucosal topography, 0.05-0.1% methylene blue stains intestinal metaplasia. In addition EGC are observed as nonstained areas. The endoscopic Congo red methylene blue method can make it possibleto visualize EGC as a nondiscolored area within the discolored area, methylene blue unstained areas in discolored areas, and areas where both dye bleached. An advantage of choromoendoscopy over conventional endoscopy, is that it is especially useful, for flat and early stage neoplasias. It is apparent, however, that one of the limitations of this method is that it is a somewhat complicated and time-consuming procedure. Narrow Band Imaging (NBI) produces contrast surface images of structures and vessel patterns in the superficial mucosa through illumination of two specific narrow band short wavelength illumination. Moreover, the combination of NBI with magnifying endoscopy enables us to evaluate the detailed morphological features of the epithelia in relation to histology. Autofluorescence imaging videoendoscopy systems (AFI) produce real-time color images of natural tissue fluorescence from endogenous fluorophores through light excitation. This technology helps to depict differences in autofluorescence features as color variations in endoscopic images. EGC in the fundic mucosa appears as green areas on a purple background, whereas tumors in the pyloric or atrophic mucosa appear purple on a green background. Equipment-based image enhanced endoscopy, such as NBI or AFI, does not eliminate the need for other types of diagnostic endoscopy, especially for pretreatment evaluation. These methologies provide an alternative for most cases which require routine examinations because they are easier to use and produce no adverse reactions.