臨牀消化器内科 Vol.24 No.10(1)

特集名 色素内視鏡を見直す -- 画像強調観察法との比較
題名 色素内視鏡の歴史と分類
発刊年月 2009年 09月
著者 井田 和徳 朝日大学村上記念病院内科
著者 加藤 隆弘 朝日大学村上記念病院内科
【 要旨 】 1966年,津田らの色素撒布法の開発に続いて,胃粘液除去法が考案されて,色素像はきわめて鮮明になった.これを契機に,色素内視鏡は胃から全消化管へ拡がった.1978年,色素法の用語の統一と分類がなされた.コントラスト法には非吸収性のインジゴカルミンが用いられ,胃や大腸の詳細な形態観察を可能にした.染色法にはメチレンブルーなどが用いられ,胃の腸上皮化生,大腸では dysplasia,coliticcancer の診断などに有用である.ヨード法は早期食道癌の診断にきわめて重要な役割を果たしている.コンゴーレッド法は胃酸分泌領域の視覚化により,胃酸分泌能の推定,胃炎の病態解明などに貢献してきた.以上のように,色素内視鏡は消化管の内視鏡診断に画期的な進歩をもたらした.
Theme Re-thinking Chromoendoscopy
Title History and Classification of Chromoendoscopy
Author Kazunori Ida Department of Internal Medicine, Murakami Memorial Hospital, Ashahi University
Author Takahiro Katou Department of Internal Medicine, Murakami Memorial Hospital, Ashahi University
[ Summary ] In 1966, the gastric mucus-removing method was designed following the development of the dye spraying method (Tsuda, et al.), making chromoendoscopic findings very clear. As a result, the targets for chromoendoscopy were extended from the stomach to the entire digestive tract. In 1978, the terms regarding dye methods were standardized and classified. With contrast methods, non-absorbable indigo carmine is employed, facilitating the detailed morphological observation of the stomach and large intestine. With staining methods, dyes such as methylene blue are used. These methods are useful for evaluating intestinal metaplasia of the stomach, colic dysplasia and cancer. The iodine method plays an important role in the diagnosis of early esophageal cancer. The Congo red method facilitates the visualization of the resion of gastric acid secretion ; It is useful for estimating gastric acid secretion and clarifying the pathogenesis of chronic gastritis. Thus, chromoendoscopy has markedly advanced the endoscopic diagnosis of digestive disorders.