臨牀消化器内科 Vol.24 No.1(1)

特集名 新しい内視鏡観察法の分類 -- 画像強調観察を中心に
題名 通常観寮 (白色光)
発刊年月 2009年 01月
著者 丹羽 寛文 聖マリアンナ医科大学客員教授
【 要旨 】 通常光による内視鏡検査には,タングステン電球,ハロゲンランプ,キセノンランプが用いられてきた.キセノンランプの光は赤領域が多く,短い波長の青,緑領域は少ない.一方ハロゲンランプの光は短い波長域の青が多い.光源が変わると,粘膜の色調は違って見え,光の帯域によって組織内透過度,反射の状況も異なり,所見も変わってくる.
Theme Consensus Terminology in Endoscopic Imaging -- Focusing on Image-enhanced Endoscopy
Title Conventional Endoscopy (White Light)
Author Hirohumi Niwa St. Marianna University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] When conducting endoscopy with normal wave length light, small tungsten light bulbs, halogen lamps or xenon lamps are used. Xenon light is mainly composed of red light, containing little light in the short wavelengths, such as blue and green.
On the other hand, halogen light contains a great deal of short wave length blue light.
Thus, different types of light sources provide slightly different colors to the mucosa and produce different overall findings, since the rate of permeation into tissues and reflection differs depending on the spectrum produced.
Today, videoscopes are mainly used for routine endoscopy. The principles of color videoscopic reproduction are explained, especially the differences between the frame sequential method and synchronous systems.
The definition of the term "endoscopy by special light" has been over extended and misused. However, most of the treatments using "endoscopy with special light" should be termed, "endoscopy with conventional light." They should instead rather be termed "enhanced endoscopic images", which are processed through enhancement effects.